Ghost for love

di Nlc

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cap 16

Capitolo 16


“ kate…non correre, non calpestare i fiori..”

“ scusa mamma..”

“ dov’è papà? “

“ è già arrivato…”

“ vieni andiamo..”

“ papà…perché piangi?

“ Vieni qui…la vedi quella foto!!”

“ sì….”

“ era una persona speciale…”

“ papà, …”

“ che c’è….”

“ guarda, ci sono dei delfini, il mare, guarda dietro la roccia….”

“ Luis, le vedi?”

“ che cosa?”

“ ci sono dei….”

“Io non vedo  niente, ma che sognate….”

“ papà, vieni ha detto di venire con loro…”

“ papà, sbrigati….”

“ arrivo…arrivo…”

“ mamma, vieni anche tu…”

Ci prendemmo per tre per mano, camminammo ed entrammo in un mondo bellissimo tra i delfini, l’oceano, le tartarughe,pesci,…

Ed ogni anno quando cade il 12 novembre…in quel giorno…tutti quelli che vengono a toccare quel punto, quando sgorga una lacrima…. si trova immerso in un oceano di sogni e di amore…..


….Time is gonna take my mind
and carry it far away where I can fly
The depth of life will dim the temptation to live for you
If I were to be alone silence would rock my tears
'cause it's all about love and I know better
How life is a waving feather

So I put my arms around you around you
And I know that I'll be living soon

My eyes are on you they're on you
And you see that I can't stop shaking
No, I won't step back but I'll look down to hide from your eyes
'cause what I feel is so sweet and I'm scared that even my own breath
Oh could burst it if it were a bubble
And I'd better dream if I have to struggle

So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me

I'm dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with you
No need for anything but music
Music's the reason why I know time still exists
Time still exists
Time still exists

So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me
So I put my arms around you around you
And I hope that I will do no wrong
My eyes are on you they're on you
And I hope that you won't hurt me( dancing, Elisa)

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
