Intervista con il vampiro

di kasumi

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Capitolo 6

Nota: Ed eccoci all’ultimo capitolo! *_* Non sono mai stata a Los Angeles. Tutte le info le ho pescate da internet e le ho rielaborate un po’… Vi prego di segnalarmi eventuali errori.

Seduta nella Honda Accord di James, osservo la città scorrere intorno a noi e mi incollo letteralmente al finestrino mentre attraversiamo la Downtown. E’ il cuore della città, dove si trovano i principali uffici e negozi, gli edifici governativi e i grattacieli più alti di tutta la California.
Passiamo per il nucleo originario della città in stile spagnolo, fiancheggiamo l’imponente municipio, il quartiere di Little Tokyo e il distretto modaiolo. Poi ci immettiamo nel Sunset Boulevard, il viale lungo circa 40 km che si spinge fino all’Oceano Pacifico, e attraversiamo i quartieri più belli della città degli angeli come il residenziale Bel Air o Beverly Hills, che mi rievocano alla mente i telefilm di quando ero adolescente.
James mi spiega che questa è un’ora buona per percorrere la strada, che più tardi sarà congestionata dal traffico. Conosce bene gli orari della città che, racconta, attraversava tutti i week-end per raggiungere il figlio a casa della ex moglie.
Mi giro a guardare il cuore della città attraverso il lunotto posteriore: i grattacieli che spiccano maestosi e moderni in mezzo ad una distesa di bassi fabbricati residenziali, come nel tipico paesaggio da cartolina.
La conurbazione è veramente enorme e non per niente è una delle più estese al mondo.

Smontiamo a Huntington Beach, appena a sud di Long Beach. James mi spiega che Santa Monica è più bella e rinomata, ma che in questo momento vorrebbe evitare la confusione.
Ci troviamo quindi a toglierci le scarpe e ad immergere i piedi nella sabbia.
Camminiamo così per un po’ sul bagnasciuga. Io che cerco di ricordare le altre mille cose che avevo intenzione di chiedergli sul telefilm ma che in questo momento sono svanite e di cui, sinceramente, non me ne importa nemmeno più. Non voglio più stressarlo con ricordi dolorosi. Voglio parlare delle cose che gli piacciono, dei suoi film preferiti, della musica che ascolta. Voglio godermi semplicemente questi momenti in sua compagnia.

Un pellicano atterra sulla superficie dell’acqua a una decina di metri da noi.
«Guarda!» Dico, afferrandogli il braccio e scuotendolo per attirare l’attenzione. Credo di avere i lustrini negli occhi e una faccia da ebete. E’ come se stare con lui rendesse magnifica ogni piccola cosa, come quando si è bambini. E qui è davvero tutto nuovo e meraviglioso per me.
«Oh!» dice, mentre le labbra si inarcano in un dolce sorriso «Ci sta guardando.»
«Forse è rimasto incantato da-»
Mi fermo appena in tempo e rabbrividisco. Realizzo che stavo per dire una di quelle frasi patetiche e banali da film romantico da discount e che stare con lui fa veramente regredire il mio cervello al livello di quello di un’ameba! Stamattina, per esempio, nel pieno delle mie facoltà mentali, avrei detto qualcosa tipo “incantato dal tuo sedere”. Ma la verità è che, un poco alla volta, l’immagine accattivante e idealizzata del personaggio di fantasia è stata sostituita dall’immagine di James, persona in carne ed ossa. Persona vera, con i suoi sentimenti, che non posso fare a meno di ammirare nel suo insieme.
In questo momento non riesco più a vederlo come un oggetto di fantasie impronunciabili e quasi mi vergogno per aver formulato certi pensieri poco rispettosi nei suoi confronti.
Se per esempio mi capitasse di riguardare su you tube le riprese tagliate di “Smashed” (vedi il pezzo finale del video “Sarah e James appreciation”!!) non so davvero se continuerò a chiedermi come faceva a muoversi come un’anguilla al di sotto di Sarah o se mi volterei imbarazzata dall’altra parte.

«Eccoci.» Annuncia, sostando la macchina nei pressi dell’albergo.
Realizzo con rammarico che la magia è finita. La Honda Accord tornerà ad essere una zucca trainata da simpatici topolini. O magari criceti. Sì, i criceti mi stanno decisamente più simpatici, anche se passano il tempo a correre dentro una rotella e quando si rompono una zampetta nella foga, perdono il loro scopo nella vita e diventano tristi.
«Mi dispiace di non poter restare con te per la cena. Ho promesso a mio figlio di raggiungerlo in serata e che avrei mangiato con lui.»
Il temuto momento degli addii. Allungo un braccio nella sua direzione e gli porgo la mano.
«Grazie. Ho passato una giornata fantastica.»
Il mio cuore batte forte e non riesco a guardarlo negli occhi. Lui stringe la mia mano e mi attira a lui. Mi abbraccia e mi bacia su entrambe le guance, facendomi avvampare.
«Piacere di averti conosciuto.»
Il mio sguardo è indecifrabile, attraversato da mille emozioni.
«Alla fine, ti sei rivelata una fan meno pazza e pericolosa di quello che temevo!» Dice, facendo l’occhiolino.
Ha ragione, ignaro di come mi sia trasformata da donna con l’ormone impazzito a ragazzina adorante! Di come ho capito che non valeva la pena rischiare di perdere questi momenti magici, per un po’ di intimità fisica e di divertimento. E di come, con ogni probabilità, in quel modo i miei sogni e fantasie su di lui sarebbero stati rovinati e io ne sarei rimasta delusa.§
Lo abbraccio di nuovo, questa volta stringendolo maggiormente e cercando di imprimermi nella memoria il suo profumo, e sussurro nuovamente un “Grazie.”
Gli sorrido nel modo più dolce che riesco e mi volto, incamminandomi verso l’Hotel, lentamente e senza voltarmi indietro, con il cuore che batte ancora impazzito.
Dovrei essere triste perché non avrò più occasioni di rivederlo, o almeno di stargli vicino in questo modo - triste come il criceto con la zampetta rotta nominato sopra! -, ma invece sono felice e il mio viso è illuminato da un sorriso radioso.
Sì, perché James mi ha fatto uno dei regali più belli che una persona può fare: regalare una giornata fantastica ad un estraneo, senza volere nulla in cambio.

Guardo il sole ancora alto nel cielo che splende in questo mondo di mortali e non posso fare a meno di pensare agli uccelli che cantano, agli scoiattoli che fanno un sacco di scoiattolini… E a James, che è finalmente libero di abbronzarsi!


James attualmente è felicemente sposato con Patricia, recita qualche parte minore nei telefilm e registra audiolibri. Partecipa attivamente ai Comicon e ha portato il figlio Sullivan nella band in cui canta, i “Ghost of the Robot”.

Chiudo la fic con una foto molto dolce della coppia e poi con la solita carrellata di fonti!


Nota: Avete riconosciuto -vero?- la citazione di Spike nel finale? XD
E’ la prima volta che scrivo una storia su un attore e spero di non avervi deluso.

Non volevo annoiarvi riportando tutto, però se siete curiosi (so che lo siete! è_é) trovate i film preferiti di James alla fine delle citazioni.

Alla prossima!

Fonti (cap 5 e 6)

§After a "you're so hot" comment
(8-05 Friday Q&A Toronto SFX)I don't wake up thinking that I'm a celebrity at all. In fact, when I come into a room like this, it's a little jarring, because in my normal life I'm quite normal. And I've carefully constructed relationships that don't care about this stuff. And… it keeps my head in line. You know? Love is… Love is love, man. You just have to pay attention. To your partner. And work with her, you know? And as long as she takes some responsibility for her own orgasm, you're gonna be fine. I'll take responsibility for my orgasm! I love you baby. You ask the best questions. Yeah. That and situps. Situps help sex big time.

§Do you ever read any of the fanfic?
(2001 Australia con) I have not, just because—see this brings up a very interesting thing, I don’t have a computer, because it so—it’s like bourbon, going to a fan site you know, it makes you feel so puffed up about yourself and so cool, and I promised myself when Joss asked me to come on the show as a regular, I hung up the phone after screaming like an idiot and then like I didn’t even pretend to be cool, I sat down and I was like ‘okay, I’m gonna be getting a lot of money, I’m gonna be getting a lot of fame, but the most important thing is if I can keep from becoming an asshole’. So, I’ve found that being a celebrity is not that psychologically healthy. Because you need people around you tell you when you’re being a dick. And usually as a celebrity people don’t do that, they let you get away with things. And you don’t realize that you’re going, sliding down a hill. And that happened to me actually, the workload was getting so much that I was starting to get pissy. And Joss pulled me aside and said ‘Dude, straighten out. There are too many people looking at you, there are too many people having a bad day because they see that you’re not having a good day. You are not allowed the same sort of range that most people are [shrugs] Sorry dude, it’s just the job’. You know. Did that answer your question? Good [apologizes to next questioner] I’ll be with you in one second. So I don’t go to the fan sites because I don’t want to contemplate my celebrity too much. Because you guys are so good at complimenting me and I do love it, you know it’s like heroin—just don’t go there. But I will read it all later on, after I’m not famous any more.

§(9-07 Dragon Con) No, I haven't read any of the fan fiction. I only got a computer, like last year because when that whole Buffy thing started, I got on the internet, and you guys were so nice, and you made me feel so good about myself; and I found myself wanting to go back over to my friend's house to his computer. I was making excuses so that I could go back on the internet. And it became, I realized, like a drug and I could easily get addicted to this feeling, you know? So I decided I would never go back on the internet or I could lose my soul. So maybe I'd feel used if I read it...laughs.

What do you miss about your anonymity?
(4-03 Cleveland) Being able to be in a bad mood in public. Celebrity really's wonderful when you're in a great mood and when you feel like talking to people, but I had just broken up with a girlfriend, and it really was harried and I was really not in a good space at all and I'm passing this ? in Santa Monica and I'd passed by there one time before with this girlfriend, and I was walking past this store and I was in a bad mood, and I hear this voice, "hey Spike..come here!" and I was just like, (mutters) "oh, not today, not today" and then I immediately hear, "you DICKHEAD!" So in all honestly, sometimes you feel like you're in a car and you're like "I get 15 minutes with James Marsters or he's a dickhead" and they can pull that out anytime. But it's only a problem when I'm in a really bad mood. Otherwise, I'm a pretty gregarious guy and it's fine. I decided early on that I was just gonna try to live a normal life and just deal with the attention and not let that make me become reclusive. In some areas of that I've not succeeded. Because I really don't have any clothes because shopping, you're in that one store and you're in there for half an hour or 45 min. and so you start to attract a crowd and it's one of those things like, do I need those pants. well no... and it keeps rolling like that. I took some tee shirts from the show! Laughs.

§Are you worried that you'll be typecast by Spike's success?
(2001 Australia con) I don’t mind at all. I think that Spike both has a real cool side but also a very funny, human side. And I think that I am able to show a lot of different sides of myself. So I’m not worried at all. And if I have to play the badass cool guy for the rest of my life that’s cross I’ll have to bear too. But I don’t wanna dye my hair forever, you know. It hurts.

Sul fatto di recitare William e la parte vulnerabile di spike

(4-03 Cleveland)
I was really protective of William, you know...? I really ah...I was really hurt when the other characters made fun of him?..[laughs kind of shamefacedly] ah...but you have to, you know? Cause what you can't do, when you play a character like that, is judge him. I've seen a lot of actors fall down on this. They always wink to the audience 'I know he's weird too'. And you can really slip up on that. So no matter who the character is or how embarrassed you are to admit that that's really you sometimes, you have to really love that, so I have a big investment, but I also totally give over to the scripts.

Fool for Love

(8-01 GenCon) When I got the script, after getting over being really afraid of it. After I was able to embrace William and understand how William actually was Spike. And once I was comfortable admitting to the world that William really was James Marsters when he was younger. I was like 'How dare you. How dare you expose me in that way. I tell you my secrets and you just broadcast them.' After I knew I could do that and that piece of the story was not going to fall flat. I knew that it was going to be memorable.

(6-02 SFX Event) I think his popularity went way up after we found out who Spike was before he was a vampire and we met William. And that was the most terrifying episode I have ever filmed! I always thought Spike was a bad boy - I always thought Spike wasn't particularly nice before he became a vampire and when I was told that he was like a mama's boy wimp guy..because frankly, the projectory of Spike, this is kind of weird to admit, but the writers on Buffy often take what they know of me and then put the metaphor to it and then that's Spike. Bexcause when I was a kid, I didn't grow up with my dad so I wasn't taught how to fight and I was kind of short and I got picked on all the time. And then, I graduated high school and when I went to New York and I had fun picking fights and winning. I hung around with some really mean people and we would really just seek out chaos in a way. Don't try this at home, guys. But I really gloried in it for a while. But uh, I didn't want you to know what I was like in high school! I wanted everyone to think I was the coolest guy on earth, or whatever, and I was really touched by the reaction. People really reacted very well to it and really found something to identify with. So I think that they took a big artistic risk, but it really paid off.

What was your favorite episode of Buffy?
(8-01 GenCon) I used to answer that question, 'Whenever I was either kissing Buffy or kicking her.' Because you know you are like in the middle of things when one of those two things are happening. But I have to say after 'Fool for Love' last year after we went back in time and kinda met William. That is my favorite one now. It scared the absolute crap out of me. I got the script. I thought my career was over. I slammed things around in my the trailer. 'That's it, right. Flush the character down the toilet. Fine.' I want to say to Joss, 'OK, Wonder Boy. You write in this amazing world where all the great writers are. And you have sophisticated kind of plot lines. And your character development is three dimensional. And it's very sophisticated. But out there in the real world of Hollywood, how sexy you are is how rich you are. And you just cut down on my cool.' No, and I was wrong, and he was right. Surprise, surprise. I wish I could be right just one time. It will never happen. The whole Hawaiian shirt. I was all offended by that. It undercut my cool. What I didn't realize what they were trying to do is make Spike an underdog. They are trying to make him into someone you can root for and get behind. That's a far piece from where we started. In 'School Hard,' it wasn't like 'Oh, I hope he gets the girl.' So, to take that character that is functionally a disposable villain and turn him into an underdog is just an incredible feat. And I'm amazed (from audience: "Yeah, but you play it) But I just say the lines until they come out right, and then I go home! It's so weird. There are two sides of every shot, guys. There's like 300 people standing manipulating the magic trick and we're all in on the magic trick. But like Spike is cool. I love myself, and I'm a nice guy. But I'm not Spike. I'm not cool like that. I'm a dork.

Is Sci-Fi type casting one of your concerns?
(4-01 TV Scene) I mean, cool is not all that interesting, not in life and not in art. As an actor, cool is boring. You can act cool in a heartbeat. But to act damaged… It's strange. The more Joss Whedon finds out about my past, the closer the writing gets to me.

§ 20 (sull’episodio Seeing Red, intervista con Al Norton del 2012)

James Marsters: The truth is the writers on Buffy were being incredibly brave. Joss was asking each of them to come up with their most painful day, their most humiliating day, the day that they made the biggest fools of themselves or the day they hurt someone else the most, and then put a patina of fangs and blood over that. Basically that's why I think the series is so delightful, because of the bravery of the writers on that score.
One of the writers, a female writer, had a situation in her life where she was and her boyfriend were breaking up and she decided if she just made love to him one more time, that they wouldn't break up. She ended up trying to force herself on him and decided to write about that. The thing is, if you flip it and make it a man forcing himself on a woman, I believe it becomes a whole different thing.
Even though Buffy is super strong, even though she kicks him through a wall at the end of it, how it plays to the audience changes when you change the sex that way. It worked out and everything but I'm not really sure it expressed what the author was intending and on that score it was not successful. I think it was a big risk for everybody but I think if she could have found a female character to express that with it would have gotten closer to what she was trying to say, and I'm not really sure that we got there with that episode.

What was the most terrifying, but exciting, scene you've done on "Buffy"?
(7-04 Australia)
so what's the most terrifying thing? Yeah, doing that rape scene. I, uh, I was in the bathtub that night going, (hurt, upset voice) "I'm not a rapist." It crushed me. It absolutely, um, I can't watch movies or TV showsthat have kids getting attacked or women getting sexually abused. I can't-- I will kick the TV in and say, "Who is the a**hole who wrote that!? I want to meet him. Who's the sick man who thought that up? Who's the actor who signed the contract?" Right? But, so, and I've passed on lots of projects that have anything to do with that. I'm like, "Pass." I don't need that in my life. But I found myself, (sigh) with "Buffy", where I was contractually obligated to do whatever they told me to do. I had to show up whenever they told me to show up and wear or not wear whatever they've decided, and do or not do to whoever they decide whatever they decide to do. And, and, by the time we got to that scene, the problem was that everyone was so concerned with Sarah's mental health with that scene and nobody ever really came to me to say, "How do you feel about it?" And, uh, (sigh) that was the worst day of my life.

(7-02 Shoreleave) Yeah, the worst of it was the bathroom scene. I went home in tears. I was crying in the bathtub, ‘I’m not a rapist.’ Oh, that was horrible. Ehhhh. I feel like going to the writing staff... [mimes hitting them] no, I love them all.

You've never taken advantage of your image with fans?
(2-04 L.A. Press Junket)Very rarely, actually.
But you've had your moments?
Yeah. But in general, with fans, if you hook up or if you get intimate with them at all, they have an agenda and a fantasy, and there's no way you're going to get out of not smashing that at the end. So at the very end of the experience, no matter how hard you try, there's going to be tears. You don't want to break someone to have a couple hours of fun. It's not like I've never done it, but-- Hollywood is not a place where people usually keep their souls very long. And I've tried very hard to keep mine.

(trad.) In generale, con le fan, se tu entri in collegamento o diventi intimo con loro del tutto, loro hanno un programma e una fantasia (nota: un’idea su di lui, suppongo), e non c’è modo che tu non faccia questo in mille pezzi alla fine. Così alla fine dell’esperienza, non importa quanto duramente tu provi, ma ci saranno sempre lacrime. Tu non vuoi fare del male a qualcuno solo per avere qualche ora di divertimento.

Bonus. I film preferiti di James sono questi.

What's your favorite show or movie?
(4-09 Rotten Favorite 5 movies:
1. Apocalypse Now. I felt that it was a very clear message about why America lost the war. It was a scene that really got me when, right at the very end, the villagers were killing the cow. Because when we want some cow, we have someone else kill the cow and wrap it up in plastic and eat it. But they anointed the cow with oils and paint, and the whole village got around and prayed and chanted to the cow and slaughtered the cow in a bloody brutalist way and nobody flinched. Like, they wanted beef, looked it in the eye, and knew what it takes to eat beef, and that's why we lost the war, they were just tougher. For me the film was exploring the soft underbelly of our culture and of our weaknesses, and the film's ending dealt with this; how did we become so weak?
2. Alien - I thought this was a really interesting mix of horror and sex. There are so many sexual references, from the robot attacking Sigourney Weaver, and he rolls up a magazine and stuffs it down her throat, I mean, wow! Or the fact that Ash's blood looks like semen, it's just a lot of that kind of stuff. Deep, deep psychological sexual stuff; like calling the computer 'Mother'. It's really fascinating, and I think that's why it's so successful in scaring you. It places imagery that's deep and sexual in a horror show. It's designed to scare people, all this stuff that is repressed, and gets inside their psyche and is truly uncomfortable, and I think it's right in (Alien artist and production designer) HR Giger's designs, I think sex is what we're all afraid of.
3. Blade Runner - Of course taken from Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick, a short story, and like a lot of his books, it paints a world where technology has vastly outstripped our morality. We can create artificial beings that are every bit as human as we are, to any measurement, and yet we still treat them like a machine. What does that say about how human we are? I think in the age of cloning and bio-medicine that is exploding right now, with every month, it seems there is some new problem that is jeopardising our morality as human beings. It just seems like we should be very careful in the next hundred years. Philip's very clever in saying this is what is going to happen, if we're not careful. I also think it's the best noir that doesn't have to have gumshoes ever. He's successfully made a noir in a new setting. One of my favourite things is the flying blimp with the picture of the Asian lady taking the pill in close-up. How perfect is that? We're seeing those commercials now, where they say the side-effects maybe your hair falling out and so on. How they talked to Coca-Cola about the product placing on that building, I'll never know.
4. The Milagro Beanfield War - This was Robert Redford's follow up to Ordinary People. It's just about a small South-Western town that is being taken over by moneyed interests. There's this beautiful scene in the beginning where this obnoxious pig comes and wakes everybody up in the village out of bed, and everybody is like "Ergh, get away from me you pig." But actually the pig is a force of great good; he's just rousing everybody for the morning. There's a certain poetry and stillness to the picture, and a magic that seems to emanate from the land and it casts a delicate spell.
5. Ratatouille - I think that film, for me, showed me what cooking is really about, in a way that line animation was never able to. It made we want to cook, it made me want to go out to a new restaurant, it made we want to appreciate life, to taste everything, not just food but the air, everything. Frankly, to be able to put that kind of magic back into a film that is targeted for kids is just amazing. That's all it's trying to do, is say to kids, "Hey look at the world, it's an amazing world, did you see that?

Altro bonus. (aggiunta del 23/07/2012)
Nightlady mi ha fatto notare che mancava la citazione per il fatto che si tinge i capelli grigi. Eccola. Leggetela perchè fa sbellicare!! XDDD

As a guy who has a girlfriend who is maybe a little bit too obsessed with the character of Spike and yourself, I was just wondering if there were any actors or actresses out there that your girlfriend might be a bit too keen on?
(4-07 CreationCon Burbank) Brad Pitt. No, no. When I first started dating my girlfriend, she had been drawing, uh, she's an artist had she had drawn a couple of pictures of Brad Pitt and I was like, "who's...(makes jealous face) and then those went away. (laughs) Probably there is and she's too smart to tell me about it, I guess. So, would this unfortunate soul be you?
Yeah, good guess. In 2003, she made me go to your concert in Newport but then refused to buy me a ticket and made me wait outside while you performed.
Tell her you went to the bathroom with me and I have a little dick. (laughs)
Thank you very much!
Tell her, tell her....(ponders, befuddled.) Bad breath?
Too bad I can't video this, but I don't think they'll let me.
Yeah, I could pretend to be drunk. (very drunk voice and staggers) "Come on over, man..."(puts hand on forehead and shakes his head) Oh man...Oh man...See that's the thing. Like a lot of people like have, it's ok to have a crush on someone because you know that it will probably never ever happen. But in Hollywood, you can't have that because you might meet that person. I mean if my person is Penelope Cruz and your person is Tom Cruise, but we might meet those people! So, that sucks, dude. That sucks Tell her I'm 45 years old. Tell her I dye my gray hair and my gray hair is coming out of my nose. That's the truth.

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