
di Invader_from_Hell

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The beach it shone                                     La spiaggia abbagliava

As for the sea                                             E questo mare

Shall we cross it?                                       Mai lo attraverseremo?


The morns hurt                                          Le mattine dolevano

Filled they are                                            Son stipate

With that filthy salt.                                   Di quel lurido sale


We woke up                                               Ci svegliammo

Shimmering sun                                          i coriandoli di sole

Foresaw our moves.                                   Prevedevano le nostre mosse...


Hot it was                                                   Caldo, caldo.

And the sea.                                                E caldo il mare.

How long, how long?                                 Per quanto? Per  quanto?


We sat and                                                   E noi ci sedemmo

Sand burnt.                                                   E s’incendiò la sabbia.

Those days...                                                 quei giorni....



Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
