Our little Charles

di LadyMaria

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Mary walks very slowly into the room.

Matthew smiles to her.

"Good morning darling" he says.

Mary sits down and she smiles to the baby.

"I slept too much"

"I couldn't wake you up... you were very tired" he answers as he cradles their baby.

"Don't worry.. I'm here now.." Mary looks Matthew in the face.

"How is our Charles this morning?" she asks and the baby smiles to her in a very, very sweet way.

"He's fine..." Matthew stands up and comes closer to his wife.

"And you believed there was something wrong!" whispers in his ear.

"You believed that too!" he reminds her.

"I'd never believe that, my darling" Mary kisses her husband and then her child.

"You are our little, sweet, darling little boy, Charles..."

"Indeed he is...." he adds with a large smile to him and to her.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
