Your memory will live forever

di Siria Lilian Black

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Your memory will live forever.

My last thought goes to you. 
The only one who believed in me, who supported me when I was younger. 
The only one who tried to explain me what I was doing wrong... I didn't listened to you, and I am sorry. 
I am really sorry to have you slapped without a reason.
I miss you and I wish you could be here. 
But life goes on and we don't use our time as well as we can.
You're gone almost ten years ago, And I can't hug you anymore, aunt.
I made a lot of mistakes, and I know you'll be happy to know how I'm holding my life now. I'm trying to do my best, I fell somethimes but I don't surrender anymore.
I miss you with all of my soul, but I'm happy, because you're in a better place.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
