Love Is A Losing Game

di hiccup

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“Love is a losing game”

Do you know?

Even if you don’t see me, I’m right here.
I’m that girl, who hides her face behind the pages of that book in the library;
who looks down when you walk along the street.
I’m the girl who writes poems and poems in her little block notes
because she’s simply too shy.
She can’t say anything to you. 

Do you see me?

Of course not,
you like those girls
- the others -
they’re more beautiful, taller,
with their heavy make up, their mini dress,
their perfect body… you like them so much, don’t you?

Well, yeah. It hurts a bit. It hurts quite badly actually.

But it’s okay.

Anyway if one day you’ll feel alone or sad
or anything else and you’ll someone to talk with,
you have to know that I’m here.
As usual.
I’m here. 


Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
