di Beautiful Disaster

Disclaimer: questo testo č proprietā del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dā diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.

Un grazie particolare va a 5 tizi che hanno salvato la mia vita e che mi accompagneranno fino alla morte:

(in ordine: Frank Iero, Ray Toro, Gerard Way, Bob Bryar, Mikey Way)

Un cenno particolare per questi due piccoli grandi uomini:

(Frank Iero)

(Gerard Way)

E poi la reale coppia che mi ha permesso di adottare la moglie di Frank come guest star ( realtā li adoro, tutti e due):

(Jamia Nestor & Frank Iero)


E il testo della mia canzone ispiratrice:

"Cemetery Drive"

This night, walk the dead
In a solitary style
And crash the cemetery gates.
In the dress your husband hates
Way down, mark the grave
Where the search lights find us
Drinking by the mausoleum door
And they found you on the bathroom floor

I miss you, I miss you so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard

Back home, off the run
Singing songs that make you slit your wrists
It isn't that much fun, staring down a loaded gun
So I won't stop dying, won't stop lying (are you there at all?)
If you want I'll keep on crying (do you care at all?)
Did you get what you deserve? (are you there at all?)
Is this what you always want me for?

I miss you, I miss you so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
I miss you, I miss you so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard

When will I miss you, when will I miss you so far
And the collision of your kiss that made it so hard
Made it so hard
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down, way down
Way down...



Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
