A killing kind of beauty

di BaronessSamedi

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I see my end approaching in slow motion
When it comes to the burial of your naked innocence
I feel like diving into the void
I don’t know who I am, I just know I’m yours
And the only love I know is the killing kind
Biting and swallowing the shards of surgical ucronic love
Vampiric caress of a could-have-been life
Nobody knows what goes on through Mother Earth’s mind
(far away)
No reaper can take you when your flesh is exposed, helpless dead lover
(from those who beseech you)
The lost werewolf kids are not looking for a sanctuary beyond
Want to stay hungry with all the beauty they can’t devour
I’d rather be blind than bearing its sight
The loneliest of wolves licks the fire that burns away the stench of fear
you recognize it, you’ve smelled it your whole life
become the wolf when there is nothing left to lose
How you survive is your own creation
Either on life support, or non-living on a disconnected heart
As long as you feel all the pain with no pillow to damp it

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
