Six feet under.

di Lydia_

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Nico Di Angelo used to be a cherish young boy until his sister's death.
Right after Bianca left him, Nico followed the son of Poseidon in the Camp Half-blood, where he found a new and totally strange family, full of demi-gods and magical creatures.
The Cabin 13 was the one created to honor his father, Hades. 
Nico spent most of his time in the cabin, trying to not cry and be strong, but one day he just disappeared.

Percy Jackson was knocking hard at Nico's door; "Wake up sleeping boy, we have to work!"
But Nico never answered.
The son of Poseidon was scared, the little boy seemed really depressed the night before, but... "Please, don't be dead. Please, please!" bagged Percy, forcing the wooden black door.
When Percy finally open it, no one was in there. Nor dead, nor alive.
Percy watched everywhere, find nothing but dust. Until he looked under the pillow, where he found a note. The boy hold his breath.
"Sorry, I don't belong here.

Percy ran faster as he could until he found Annabeth near the lake.
"Seeweed, why are you running?" asked the girl.
"I... We have a problem" said the boy, trembling.
"Gea? - asked Annabeth - Please Perce, tell me that is not her..."
The boy said no, something worse come out from his mouth: "Nico is gone".

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
