di WickedSwan

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Ian: "Hey what's up man?"
Colin: Hey mate, I'm not really fine this days..
Ian: Do you want a glass of Bourbon?
Colin: You know I prefer Rum. In this case, an entire bottle of Rum.
Ian: Yeah, I see. Tell me bud, what's bothering you?"
Colin: I play captain Hook in once, you know? And I have to work every day with the most wonderful woman I ever met.
Ian: You tell me? My partner in TVD is a wonderful woman too. Plus, she's my ex.
Colin: That’s not good. But listen to this. I'm married. And I love my wife. And I've got a son. Little and precious Evan.
Ian: Wait. So you are married and you love your wife. I don't see the problem, bud. Unless..
Colin: Yeah, I love my wife. But I'm IN love with someone else.
Ian: No way. You are in love with your costar? That's a really crappy situation, bud, believe me. I know.
Colin: You say Mate? and I don't really know what to do.
Ian: Let me tell you something bud. Don't make the same mistake I made. Don't let your priorities or your work or your ties take you aback. I did. I let her go. And I regret it every day of my fucking life, Bro. I have to see her, talk to her, kiss her, touch her, every second of every day and it's driving me crazy. I mean, I love Nikki, but as you said..it's not her I'm head over heels in love with.
Colin: And what are you going to do now?
Ian: Nothing. Because I lost her. Because she's too perfect to stick with a dick like me. Because I'm an arrogant ass and I will never have the gut to say ‘I'm sorry’.
Because I'm her past, and I know that her future will be full of light and passion and success and love. Because she deserves to be happy without me.
Colin: But you love her, mate. What about your happiness? Don't you deserve to be with the woman you love so deeply?
Ian: I could ask you the same question, buddy. We're on the same fucking ship. No pun intended, Captain.
Colin: (Chuckles) Yeah, You're right.
Ian: So, are you going to let her go too?
Colin: Have you ever met her? She is a miracle, she's so full of life and sparkle and..I can't even explain what I feel for her. But I can't bring her down. I can't do this to her. I can't put her through all my shit. You're right mate, we need to let them go.
Ian: Yeah, so..cheers to love buddy. That is a terrible waste of time.
Colin: Cheers.


Sì, mi sto odiando da sola.

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