A (Disney) Musical of Thrones

di Adhafera

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Hear me Roar: a Tywin Lannister's Let it Go parody

The winter's wind is so strong tonight

not a Tyrell to be seen.

A kingdom of desolation

I am now Hand of the King,

My daughter doesn't wanna take husband again

while her twin brother is missing a hand.

They say let's have kids it'll be fun

none ever mention parenthood is hard,

no rest, no idea of what to do....well now I do

Hear me roar, hear me roar

my enemies shall call the guards

Hear me roar, hear me roar

Lannisters send their regards

I don't care of Ned Stark's gone head

my nephew is a dumbd

I shall rule the the kingdom only on my own

Olenna Tyrell can kindly go to hell

and I'll send Tyrion to live under a shell

It's time to use the young Stark girl

and to get a rid, for good, of the Martell

No Bolton or Frey nor Greyjoy

That's my rejoice

Hear me roar, hear me roar

a lion never was so stron

Hear me roar, hear me roar

Good old Tywin is gone.

I don't care of what's beyond the wall

Let the winds blow on

I already have my fur jacket


questa idea č nata durante una chat un po' assurda assieme a una mia amica, e purtroppo (per la mia dignitą) ho deciso di pubblicarla, se trovate tre minuti fatemi sapere cosa ne pensate,

Alla prossima :)

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
