Memory of a friend

di Scarlett_Brooks_39

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Memory of a friend.

You left me a while ago,
and I've promised myself that I would forget you,
cause the reminder of us hurts too much.

Now I don't know who you are.
I always ask myself if you think about me, sometimes.
About who we used to be.
About what we used to share.
We had the whole world in our hands,
but you gave it away.
You've built a new one,
and I'm not part of it.

Finally I've found the the way to write down what I'm feeling,
because I have to close this door once at all.
I'm sorry to hurt you,
I'm sorry to let go too many things that you didn't.
Now, more than ever, I miss the person you used to be.

There was such a distance between us,
and now there's a whole universe.
Was this the destiny we deserved?
How such a beautiful thing like that could became a shit like this?
Hatred, tears and regrets.

Who knows if in future
we could start again from the very beginning, away from everything and everyone.
Perhaps time will heal our cuts,
or perhaps it won't because there's not anything to heal anymore.

Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
