Somebody to die for

di Rebelle Fleur

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Somebody to die for

I just wanna look at you and feel your beautiful eyes on me.

I just wanna feel your heartbeat so I know you’re alive.

If someone ask me what I’m going to do during my last day…I would say I just…hold you tight…

You’re my anchor.

Even in my darkest places you’re that sparkle of hope…

I need you to tell me it’s ok.

I walk away ‘cause you know me…

You know my thoughts, my heart and soul.

Before the turn I was nobody, a shadow of my husband…

I found my own strength… and you believe in me…

You’re the last knight on this earth Daryl Dixon
and I thank God everyday for had the chance to meet you.

You saved me.

Every time.

You complete me.

Just you.

Nothing else

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
