Tears of the dragon

di Fink

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Come premessa inserisco il testo della canzone.

Tears of the dragon
(B. Dickinson)

For too long now, there were secrets in my mind
For too long now, there were things I should have said
In the darkness...I was stumbling for the door
To find a reason - to find the time, the place, the hour
Waiting for the winter sun, and the cold light of day
The misty ghosts of childhood fears
The pressure is building, and I can't stay away
I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon, for you and for me
Where I was, I had wings that couldn't fly
Where I was, I had tears I couldn't cry
My emotions frozen in an icy lake
I couldn't feel them until the ice began to break
I have no power over this, you know I'm afraid
The walls I built are crumbling
The water is moving, I'm slipping away...
I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon, for you and for me
Slowly I awake, slowly I rise
The walls I built are crumbling
The water is moving, I'm slipping away...
I throw (I throw)
Myself (myself)
Into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face (to face)
The fear (the fear)
I once believed
The tears of the dragon, for you and for me
I throw (I throw)
Myself (myself)
Into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face (to face)
The fear (the fear)
I once believed
The tears of the dragon, for you and for me

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