Alla mia bambina..

di YaMiNoLaDy

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Waaaaaa!!!! Eccomi di nuovo qui.. ^^.. Come promesso vi lascio il testo originale trascritto dal video del gameplay inglese, la cui traduzione l'ho curata io stessa.. Spero di averlo tradotto bene.. In caso, contattatemi che sarò disponibile a correggerla.. Il video lo trovate a questa URL:

Il dialogo inzia a minuti 3.36.. Scusate per gli errori di battitura ma è tardi e ormai non connettto più.. Provvederò a correggere.. ^^

Ashley.. Let me say your name again.. Ashley. My sweet daughter.. Ashley, do you recognize my voice? It's your mother.. If you're hearing this message through the TAS, it means that I'm not with you any more. Ashley, let me explain why I created the Tas and why I left you this message. Before you were born, I worked at a place called MJ Labs and I was on a team assigned to a project called the EC Project. We were researching human memory. The director of MJ Labs was a great scientist calld Judd Fitzgerald. I became his assistant and I learnd so much from him. I discovered what it really means to study memory. While I was at MJ Labs, I developed a number of theories and created a several prototype units. One of my theses was on a memory control unit called Another. Ashley, what do you know about memory control? A person's memory is their own creation, holding both past and present data. Good things and bad, joy and sorrw, these are all stored in this memory data. As the person lives on, these memories become the foundation of their decisions and choises. Another is a unit thata allows total control over memory. It can implant palse memories into human subjects. I wanted it to be used in victims of traumatics events, to heal their pain, There are so many people in this world with terrible memories that they can't escape. They only live in the past and cannot conceive of any future. Another was meant for them. But some people wanted to use it for very different reasons. They wanted to create their own brand of human being. I knew that if this happened, Another would become a terrible weapon. So even as I worked on my thesis for Another, I implanted a security system in the control unit that had beeen developed on my theories and I created thi device to unlock the function described in my thesis. I calld it the TAS, short for True Another System then I coded it so that only you could use it and I left it in the materials relating to the EC Project.. In case Another was ever developed and used for the wrong reasons. Ashley, when I was a teenager, I knew, without a doubt, that I wantede to be a scientist. I left Japan for America and embarked on the path for research. The pursuit of knowledge alone made me so happy: I wanted to go out and change the world. Such an arrogant mindset, on reflection. So I think it was fate that brought your father and I togheter at MJ Labs. He was always so awkward at everything, but his heart was in the right place.. He showed me th blue sky and green trees, when all I had know was grey offices. He showed me ho amazing it was to love, and to be loved.. He was the first person to ever show me that.. And he gave me the greatest gift of all.. You, Ashley.. You smile when you look up at my face, you cry loudly and sleep peacefully in my arms. The first time I held you I made my decisions: I would dedicate my life to you. So to me, the day you were born is the most important day of my whole life. I wish this happiness could last forever.. But there are some people who wants Sayoko the scientist back.. They don't want me to live as a mother. As long as they're around, I don't think we can live ever truly be at peace. I think that's why I decided to leave you this message. Ashley, everyone dies two death. The first is when their soul leaves their body, the second in when they no longer live on in people's memories..

Ashley... Do you still remember me?

Angolino dell'Alzatrice.. ^^

Eccoci alla fine.. Allora ringrazio Princess_of_Blood e robinchan07 per aver recensito la mia storia..

Tengo a precisare che il fatto del fluido mnemonico che Rex da a Sayoko contiene, si i suoi ricordi della nascita di Ashley e il suo matrimonio con Richard, ma lei non se ne può ricordare.. Servirebbe Another per farseli reimpiantare.. Questo è un punto scuro della storia, infatti non si sa bene anche quando Sayoko lascia questo messaggio alla figlia, perchè è comunque un po incoerente.. Sayoko si dimentica di tutto ciò che è relativo ad Another e il modulo di aggiornamento del TAS che contiene il messaggio deve essere per forza costruito dopo la storia di Ashley e le dimissoni di Sayoko.. Secondo me l'ha registrato nel momento in cui stava visitando la JC Valley, prima che le concellassero al memoria.. Dopo boh.. Altro non saprei dirvi.. Infatti mi sa che questa mia teoria vada un po' a pugni con la mia One-shot.. Vi lascio perchè sto cominciando a dare i numeri data l'ora (torno da Gardaland e siccome ho ancora tutta l'adrenalina del Blue Tornado, fatto come ultima attrazione in prima fila, in corpo)... Quanto adoro Gardaland.. Potessi viverci dentro ^^

Bye Bye and Good Night


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