Six feet under.

di Lydia_

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Lista capitoli:
Capitolo 1: *** Let me go. ***
Capitolo 2: *** Even a hero can get the blues. ***

Capitolo 1
*** Let me go. ***

Nico Di Angelo used to be a cherish young boy until his sister's death.
Right after Bianca left him, Nico followed the son of Poseidon in the Camp Half-blood, where he found a new and totally strange family, full of demi-gods and magical creatures.
The Cabin 13 was the one created to honor his father, Hades. 
Nico spent most of his time in the cabin, trying to not cry and be strong, but one day he just disappeared.

Percy Jackson was knocking hard at Nico's door; "Wake up sleeping boy, we have to work!"
But Nico never answered.
The son of Poseidon was scared, the little boy seemed really depressed the night before, but... "Please, don't be dead. Please, please!" bagged Percy, forcing the wooden black door.
When Percy finally open it, no one was in there. Nor dead, nor alive.
Percy watched everywhere, find nothing but dust. Until he looked under the pillow, where he found a note. The boy hold his breath.
"Sorry, I don't belong here.

Percy ran faster as he could until he found Annabeth near the lake.
"Seeweed, why are you running?" asked the girl.
"I... We have a problem" said the boy, trembling.
"Gea? - asked Annabeth - Please Perce, tell me that is not her..."
The boy said no, something worse come out from his mouth: "Nico is gone".

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Capitolo 2
*** Even a hero can get the blues. ***


Being alone was easy for Nico, his own company was better that being at the Camp Half-blood, where everyone's happiness reminded him Bianca.
Nico left the Camp because he felt the need to fix everything. His life, after Bianca's death, fell tragically and dragged him during the fall.

Nico felt the hole in his chest became more and more bigger, no more Bianca, no more happiness for him.
When they first arrived to the "Lotus Casino and Hotel", the monsters had just tried to kill him and his sister, but now, those monsters, were inside his head.

Annabeth Chase was a daughter of Athena, she was smart, brilliant, but kinda rude, especially with Percy, but Nico Di Angelo was a total mystery for her. 
Annabeth never liked the son of Hades really much, but she could understand his pain. She left home when she was 7, and without Talia and Luke now she might be... Annabeth forced her mind to focus on Percy's last sentence. 
"Nico is gone. Nico is gone. Nico is gone."
The words were repeated in her thought like a pirate parrot was in her head, repeating words. 
"Perce... What can we do?"
The boy shook his head, "I don't know Annabeth, but... I have to do something! Nico is my responsibility."
The daughter of Athena opened her mouth to reply, but then she just closed it, without saying a word.

She was very concerned, "what can I do?" she asked herself, biting his bottom lip, thinking.
"Percy!" she yelled, jumping down from the bench where she was sitting "Follow me! We need to see Chiron!"
"Ann... I don't think this is a good idea, finding Nico is not a mission"
The blonde girl snorted, "I know seeweed, that's the point! We can... Well, Remeber my computer? The one Dedalus left me? Well, maybe, and I say maybe, there is something we can use to track Nico and bring him back here, to the Camp. But we need to talk with Chiron and Mr. D before!"
Percy kissed Annabeth on the lips, "You are amazing!" he said, smiling.

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