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It just kind of happened.
di charlotterocher

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Recensore Veterano
03/12/12, ore 22:20
Cap. 1:

(Hmmm ok maybe that's because I read it before you published it and I commented there? But still)
Harry is so, so so so so so sweet I could die. You know I love Harry, but I love YOUR Harry too because it's just so.... have I already said sweet? D: Well, it's just a little teenage with so much emotions and so much love with his best friend and so much expectations (and yes, I search this word on the translator, because I didn't remember it) that it makes me melt in my chair (a soft and fluffy chair, if you're wondering, so it dindn't hurt. What am I saying? ._.)
And I swear, every single time i read this line (and i read it a lot of times, for what i can remeber) "E si abbassasse sussurrando appena “ Battezziamo subito la nuova casa, dolcezza?” lasciando poi Harry a trattenere il fiato, sospeso tra 'sìsìsìsìsìsì' e 'che cazzo è questo?'." I just star fangirling as hard as i can. Because... I don't know why. It just makes me wanna OH OH OH OH OH OH (no ok, I was joking) It just makes me wanna awwww-are forever and appreciate the love betweet these two fucking perfect people (do you think i can write fucking, even if it's a bad word? But it's in english, so maybe it doesn't go against the rules xD)
I don't know why I started write in italics D: And I think I love write comments in English more than in Italian. So now I think I'm gonna commenting (?) another of your shots. Bye babe, love you <3 <3

Recensore Junior
20/07/12, ore 13:15
Cap. 1:

E tenerissima.Mi piace sul serio anche se č corta.Sei brava a scrivere continua cosė.
Kiss and Keep calm and support Larry Stylison ;)

Recensore Junior
09/04/12, ore 21:41
Cap. 1:

Dire che sono senza parole č poco, quindi non so che dirti.
Vorrei trovare una parola esatta per dirti quanto siano belle queste poche righe, ma non riesco a trovarla, quindi ti dico solamente COMPLIMENTI.
Un bacio,
P.S. mi farebbe molto piacere se passassi da me e lasciassi una tua recensione c: