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Come una macchina da guerra
di hera85

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Recensore Veterano
16/12/12, ore 05:00

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Well a strange situation, all were caught Musketeers, Aramis begins to see another way to Dartagnan, I do not think that having a front Athos, all a man his master, as Aramis begins to look attractive Gascon be a child, and in front of his girlfriend, a young, innocent girl, just feels a great empathy for the young, and he knows his secret, she loves him like a brother, fusing this with your feelings, I hope soon to follow with another story thanks for share ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Master
11/12/12, ore 14:53

La storia è interessante, ma andrebbe riletta per alcuni errori; interessante l'atteggiamento di Aramis verso l'amico.