Recensioni per
di FutureIsNow

Questa storia ha ottenuto 2 recensioni.
Positive : 2
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Recensore Junior
24/06/13, ore 12:46
Cap. 2:

Dear little Niall, Oh I want a mother too! Please can you conitnue?



Recensore Junior
24/06/13, ore 11:54
Cap. 1:

Sorry, I don't understand, why have you written this story in english? This is an italian website and you MUST write in Italian if you want publish something. You can translate, but in ITALIAN! Or, if you want, you can translate an Italian fan fiction and publish it on an English website.
If you check on the EFP's rules, you can see that is forbidden publish something in English.
Anyway I find this story amazing!
I'm sorry for mistakes
