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Uniti da Dio
di memol

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Nuovo recensore
27/12/10, ore 21:31
Cap. 1:

it has a lot of misspellings

Recensore Master
13/01/10, ore 08:46
Cap. 4:

Hi! I've just finished to read your story, and I'm sorry to say that I'm a little bit surprised. Maybe it's my fault, but I don't understand why you have used a translator since you wrote your story in English... Anyway the translator you used is maybe not so good, because your sentences are very difficult to read and their meaning it's not so clear. Please, forgive me, I don't want to offend you, I'm telling you all this just because I think that your story is nice and it's a pity that a wrong writing could ruin it. By the way, I like your story and for the moment the characters are well defined, so go on with your work and try to use a better support for your writing, maybe a dictionary coulb be more helpful than a translator... Bye, Mary.

Nuovo recensore
12/01/10, ore 15:21
Cap. 4:

Ok Memol, you may change the content of a chapter and modify part of the text as well.
You should click on "il tuo account" (on the top of the page, on the right) then you see a menu. Click on "gestisci le tue storie". Under "opzioni" choose "modifica". A page will open with all your fic info. Scroll the page until you see the actual html window. There you may cancel the whole stuff and put instead a new translation with its html (as you did the first time). Click on anteprima to see how it looks, then choose on the bottom of the page "aggiungi una storia" so the new version of your chapter will be uploded. Do the same to change the other chapter. By the way, what's your mother tongue?

Nuovo recensore
12/01/10, ore 12:40
Cap. 1:

Scusa, ma questo inglese è strano. Come se fosse traduzione di qualcosa. Ad esempio la prima frase: "It is the end of an era; the people of franc are free now, regardless to the bloody floor, they were happy, they were dancing forgetting the moments of terror which finally ended by storming seeing the white flag high on the top of the Bastille.
In the middle of the miss, he was standing there holding her hand and approaching the side by the other.
-We finally did it! Our franc is free now!"

"franc"? Questa strana cosa c'è anche nell'altra versione del primo capitolo, addirittura c'è scritto "Franco". Ma è uno scherzo?

Nuovo recensore
11/01/10, ore 18:23
Cap. 1:

can you translate this beautiful story please?

Nuovo recensore
09/01/10, ore 19:09
Cap. 1:

please... translate!!!!!!!!

Nuovo recensore
09/01/10, ore 15:15
Cap. 1:

I prefer read in italian language.

Recensore Veterano
09/01/10, ore 05:56
Cap. 1:

Beautiful..but..there's a little problem :).. can't you translate it?