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L'Ultimo Sorriso
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Recensore Veterano
09/09/12, ore 07:52

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, Now I'm in this section, Saint Seiya is a series that I love, my favorite is the swan knight Hyoga, but most do not read fics of Saint Seiya, the reason is that the fanfics are always Yaoi Saint Seiya, Hyoga Shun couple always, if I like yaoi, but not with the saints, it is currently not attract me, and their stories are always tragic, I like them more manly, trying to woo the Amazons, with tangles of couples, jealousy, I love couples who are, Marin / Aioria frankly I like Shaina / Milo, that Shaina / Seiya, Pegasus is a moron who does not deserve it, ever after Saori, on second thought, if the Saints let Bronze being gay, for idiots, by sunrey can not do anything, but who really would like to partner June chameleon?, has to be a holy golden looking into this section stories Santos / Amazon, I'm glad to see that if there were, few but very good, my biggest surprise was to see that you have written several of them, hope you can write a Marin / Aioria, Shaina / Milo, I congratulate you if I liked his stories Shaina / Seiya, but I would like to see Pegasus jealous, Shaina always have to see it with Saori, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Nuovo recensore
06/10/11, ore 21:49

Complimenti! Bellissimo! Sei riuscita a rendere la tristezza e dolcezza del momento! Meraviglioso! Sei davvero brava!!! Mi complimento tanto tanto con te e spero di poter leggere ancora qualche tua storiella... sai sn nuova e mi ci vuole un po' per leggerle tutte! Ciao ciao!

Recensore Master
05/10/11, ore 21:01

ed eccomi!!!
tisifone, tesoro..... D: che rivive tutti i loro momenti insieme e ai sentimenti che prova per lui...anche prima di spirare...
finisce di diritto nelle preferite, senza dubbio!