Fanfic su artisti musicali > One Direction
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Autore: SunnyGagetta    02/12/2012    1 recensioni
Lettera in inglese per Harry
Genere: Generale | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna | Personaggi: Harry Styles
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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Hi Harry!
I'm Gaia,I'm not very good in Inglish, but I mean only one thing:
You're part of my favorite band and you're an amazing singer.
Remember that you are unique, Your voice always warms my heart and gives me so many emotions, Now you are a part of my life, you are my everything, without you  my world collapses and I stop smile ...
The smile you gave me with your voice and your crap. 
You are not like the usual singers ...
You are better.
Every day at school make fun of me because I listen you, I come home crying because of the offenses on me. Just into the house wipe the tears and smile not to worry my brother, but now I hide in my small bedroom. I turn on the computer and look at your photos. The computer is my only way to see and stay informed about your concerts and your lives.
I will not be in Verona and even in Milan, but I stuck to my compuetr to watch you and your beautiful smile ... But above all, listening to the most beautiful voices in the world.
My biggest dream is to meet you, but I'll wait until I will have 18 years, but I'm only 13 years old!!
And if One Direction will be gone when I have 18 years?
You are everything to me, please always remain those guys at the top of the stairs! :)
Thanks for everything guys.
Italian directioner xx
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