Storie originali > Drammatico
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Autore: Maxie__    25/02/2013    1 recensioni
I don't know why my body is still hanging around, if my soul is dead.
If I'd kill myself, I'd only kill my body.
Someone (me, another or others) had already killed me.
And sorry if I can't fight the crazy killers of souls, sorry if I can't be strong.
Genere: Drammatico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: FemSlash
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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I see in everything a weapon to kill myself

My death is dedicate to you,
my Annabelle.

So you could live more than me,
and I could live beyond the years inside of you,
finally, totally, to the infinite.

Yes, this is a curse:
don’t forget me, you can’t.

My Annabelle, let me live in our songs.

I immoled my life for you,
for the armony of poetry that I discovered in your eyes.

Don’t forget every single word that I used to say to you,
don’t let me die.

For you I’ll always be alive,
Throught you I’ll see the light.

Keep singing, keep danging, keep listening like you did with me,
my Annabelle.

Keep yourself distruction on,
So I’ll get high with you over and over again, like we used to do.

Forever yours ‘cause of this spreading out of soul.



Mi dicono che spruzzo felicità da tutti i pori.

Maxie's back, dudes!
Sembrerà incredibile, ma qualche mattina fa, alle cinque, la mia ispirazione per scrivere è venuta a tirarmi i piedi nel letto e SBAM sono qui.
Perdonate qualche termine, qualche frase scritta in modo errato, ma è uno sfogo e in italiano non avrebbe reso e non ho modificato una singola parola di ciò che ho scritto dall'originale, quindi beccatevela così, culimosci.
Alla prossima!
Twitter: @Maxie__

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