Serie TV > Hannibal
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Autore: Jessica Verger    24/02/2018    0 recensioni
mason you are my flower .
Genere: Commedia | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna | Personaggi: Mason Verger
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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we are straied in the grass, the wind blows and mason in the hands above mine, I take a shower head and I express a wish, he kisses me and I tell her how she knows that my desire and that she kisses me forever, does not answer and looks at me with a pout, I laugh and kiss him, smells like pine and I can mirror myself in his lenses, I take a tuft of his hair and taste his smell, he is beautiful, only to a dark side that nobody knows , but I see his good side and I love him, now, now, and forever.
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