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Autore: Little_ball_of_anxiety    13/10/2023    0 recensioni
Come si capirà dal titolo, questa è una raccolta di poesie e possibili testi musicali che scrivo nel mio tempo libero. La mia depressione e gli abusi che ho vissuto in passato sono stati espressi su carta e ora desidero pubblicarli. La maggior parte di questi saranno in italiano, ma alcuni potrebbero essere in inglese. Vi prego di dirmi se preferite che io li traduca oppure no. Inoltre, non sono una professionista, quindi ci potrebbero essere degli errori, ed ho un mio stile. Molti dei miei contenuti parleranno di malattie mentali, suic*dio, pensieri intrusivi e simili. In questi casi vi avviserò. Buona lettura.
Genere: Demenziale, Poesia, Triste | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Nessuna, Het
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: Contenuti forti, Tematiche delicate, Violenza
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During my childhood
my father was always absent
and when I managed to see him
there were only screams and loud noises all over the place
I thought my mother was perfect 
since the differences from her husband
But grewing up I noticed more and more
how negleting and pricky she was.
Emotion are out
Perfection is my second name
Follow your bigger sister's steps
Who am I?
I don't know.
Maybe a robot or a ghost.
Who knows?
Sister, you were my safe space. 
Where are you, then?
Oh, right! In your own life.
I can call and whine, but you won't came.
My screams and tears have disappeard.
Delusion is my second name
Follow your hearth!
Hey, just keep me alive, okay bud?
Cousing, there you are!
Sipping some tea
And slowing slipping from my hands.
I was an adult in a child body,
Now I am an age regressor!
There it is!
Give me back my time!
Give me back my dreams!
It's cold and I can't understand anything of this!
You keep walking while I learn
what hope and emotions are.
Please keep silent
I just need to rest
I failed as a baby,
so let me live a childhood now.
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