Anime & Manga > Katekyo Hitman Reborn
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Autore: RevyAdelheid    17/04/2010    0 recensioni
Una one shot interamente in inglese, volevo provare il brivido di una cosa nuova e con molti errori! About Yamamoto and Gokudera
Genere: Triste, Malinconico, Drammatico | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: non specificato | Personaggi: Hayato Gokudera
Note: What if? | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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Thinking about you is like to lost myself in an empty space, in total darkness.
Cause all the fears of my insecurity surround me, desirious to destroy me, and destroy my mind.
But you, with your shine smile like light in my dream, don't care to  my pains.
And with this happiness, evend the sorrow for not having you anymore next to me...
Could you forgive me for all that I do?
Maybe you never thought , maybe you  never give weight to it.
But I do.
I did it.
And maybe for this, that my pains never leave me alone. I'll rest forever in this bed to cry. To call you. To desire you.
To want you next to me,  to restart  loving you, ever, every moment. Lifelong.
'til death.
A death that seize me and you togheter, without live us alone in this earth, without regrets. Only peace for us.
And the eternal life before us.

Sono pazza oggi, per cui ho deciso di "provare" a scrivere una fiction in inglese, ci saranno un triliardo di errori di grammatica inglese, lo so.
Ma tentar non nuoce. Anzi se trovate gli errori e me li dite mi fate un grandissimo piacere, provvederò a migliorarmi XD
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