Membro dal: 06/04/06
Recensore Junior (112 recensioni)
You scored as Hope. Your Hope!! There is always a chance in your mind. You'll never give up. Your a determined person. You are very optimistic even when it seems all hope is lost. Thanks for taking my quiz. Please rate. :)

















What feeling are you?? (cool pics)
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You scored as Angel of Prayer, You were the Angel of Prayer! People prayed and u listened. Depending on what was being asked, you granted it and made people belive in miracles. You were what miracles are made of and was glad to share your ability to make humans happy and belive in God and Heaven.

Angel of Prayer


Angel of Hope


Guardian Angel


Angel of Guidance


Angel of Good Fortune


Angel of Death


What kind of an Angel were you before your life on Earth? (kool anime pics)
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Social Life at Hogwarts
Lots of people like you, very few don't. You are nice, understanding, and don't judge people until you know them. You treat everyone fairly and make friends with practically everyone. You are very smart and cunning. You love to laugh. You have many admirers, but don't take notice.

Harry: He is in love with you, but doesn't know what to do. He's not sure if he should ask you out. He gets jealous very easily and doesn't understand how you can be nice to the Slytherins, specifically Malfoy. He wants to be the man of your dreams and hopes that you like him more than a friend.

Ron: Loves you as a friend and nothing more. He thanks you profusely for getting him and Hermione together and like Harry, he doesn't understand how you can be so nice to everyone.

Hermione: She thinks of you as her best gal pal and thanks you for getting her and Ron together. She's glad that you take your studies seriously and thinks you are great. She knows you treat people equally and respects your decisions.

Ginny: She doesn't like you because Harry loves you. She thinks you are great, but is really jealous of you. You two have grown distant, but you have hardly noticed with all the friends you have. Maybe one day you two will be friends again?

Neville: Has a little crush on you because you are the one who helps him with his schoolwork.

Fred and George: They think you are the best person in the world. You always come up with great pranks and laugh at their jokes. They love you and hope that you will always be there for a good prank.

Oliver Wood: Had a crush on you, but the age difference didn't work out right. He knows that you only love him as a friend and accepts it. He still has a crush on you, but has moved on. And that's okay with you.

Cedric Diggory: He thinks you're a good person who cares about everyone. You were the one who introduced him to Cho. He's glad you did and left this world with you as one of him close friends.Cho Chang: She is your actual bestfriend and thanks you for getting her and Cedric together. You are always there for her when she's crying about missing Cedric, and she appreciates it. You two are like sisters and she's grateful that you're her friend.

Lavender Brown: Thinks you are really nice, but doesn't like you because everyone likes you.

Draco Malfoy: He is also in love with you, like Potter. Him and Harry often fight for your affections. Is easily jealous, like Harry, and cares about you very much. He hopes that in the end you and him will be together. You are the only girl he loves and hopes you feel the same. He constantly worries about your safety and would give up everything for you.

Pansy: Hates you. Enough said.

Crabbe and Goyle: Have little crushes on you, but know that Draco would pummel them.

Dumbledore: Thinks you are a great person. Wishes you luck on choosing between Harry and Draco. He knows that you'll be a very good skilled witch in the future.

McGonagall: Also thinks you are a great student who has amazing skills, but worries that it might be very stressful to be as hardworking as you.

Hagrid: You are his favorite girl student because you didn't give up his class and always help him with the creatures. The creatures in the forbidden forest love you too. Odd huh?

Snape: He thinks you are an excellent student, doesn't like or dislike you. He knows you'd end up being a great witch.

Voldemort: Wants you to join him and hopes that you will end up with Malfoy. If you pick Harry, he plans to kill you instead of recruiting you.

Reputation: Girl who likes Draco and Harry.
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Ciao! Dunque, che dire? Ho deciso di pubblicare queste mie poesie (anche se io li chiamerei più che altro pensieri visto che purtroppo non sono proprio una poetessa! ^^) perchè mi piacerebbe ricevere commenti, sia positivi sia negativi! Tratteranno di vari argomenti...grazie mille in anticipo a tutti quelli che almeno proveranno a leggerle! ^^ Dada.
Autore: dada | Pubblicata: 17/04/07 | Aggiornata: 21/05/07 | Rating: Verde
Genere: Poesia | Capitoli: 5 | In corso
Note: Raccolta | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
Categoria: Storie originali > Poesia |  Leggi le 13 recensioni

-E' che sai, se mi comporto così è solo perchè in fondo non sono sicuro di piacerti- -Ma non mi dire!- -Già, e penso che potresti farmi del male davvero se, sai, mi vedessi per come sono veramente, perchè...perchè io ti amo veramente Lily...- La romantica storia d'amore di James Potter e Lily Evans, tra incomprensioni e litigi, parole dolci e scene divertenti, una fanfiction interamente dedicata a spongy/ginny!!! Lasciatemi una rec, spero che vi piaccia, buona lettura!
Autore: dada | Pubblicata: 20/02/07 | Aggiornata: 20/02/07 | Rating: Verde
Genere: Romantico, Commedia | Capitoli: 1 | In corso
Note: Nessuna | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
Personaggi: I Malandrini | Coppie: James/Lily
Categoria: Libri > Harry Potter |  Leggi le 4 recensioni

I pensieri disconnessi di Draco Malfoy, diventato mangiamorte, che affollano la sua mente in modo disordinato. Spero che vi piaccia, lasciatemi un commentuccio per favore! Grazie!
Autore: dada | Pubblicata: 02/02/07 | Aggiornata: 02/02/07 | Rating: Verde
Genere: Triste, Introspettivo | Capitoli: 1 - One shot | Completa
Note: Nessuna | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
Personaggi: Draco Malfoy
Categoria: Libri > Harry Potter |  Leggi le 3 recensioni

Dopo pranzo, Harry passò a prendere i suoi libri in sala comune, ma quando il suo sguardo si posò sul suo letto, notò una piccola busta bianca poggiata sulle coperte e prendendola lesse che era per lui, ma quando sbirciò il nome del mittente per poco non svenne, e la aprì con mani tremanti.
Autore: dada | Pubblicata: 01/01/07 | Aggiornata: 01/01/07 | Rating: Verde
Genere: Malinconico | Capitoli: 1 | Completa
Note: Nessuna | Avvertimenti: Spoiler!
Personaggi: Harry Potter, Sorpresa
Categoria: Libri > Harry Potter |  Leggi le 7 recensioni

Lo sconvolgimento dei sensi che avviene durante una guerra, quando le esplosioni sono l'unica cosa che occupa la tua mente. L'improvvisa consapevolezza delle cose che hai perso, che ti colpisce come un fulmine. La voglia di vivere, che ti spinge ad andare avanti. L'inneggiare alla propria patria, capire che la guerra non potrà mai portarti via le cose che hai dentro di te. *è la mia prima fanfiction, spero che vi storia non ha un tempo, un luogo e personaggi definiti...non so proprio come mi sia venuta, per questo apprezzerei un commentino...please recensite! (aspetto consigli e impressioni!)* Dada!!!
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Genere: Guerra | Capitoli: 1 - One shot | Completa
Note: Nessuna | Avvertimenti: Nessuno
Categoria: Storie originali > Drammatico |  Leggi le 4 recensioni