Abduction of a dream

di BaronessSamedi

Disclaimer: questo testo è proprietà del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dà diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.

Empty promises
like dirty, sticky, poisoned swallowed bottles
wailing, limping, screeching
through the hallways of memories

Thoughts are nothing but
a mess of dizzying foam
an ill feeling of nauseating nights
Some wild dreams you used to dream of
were not conjured for you
or maybe the distracted night
just passed by leaving you unnoticed

Eternal snow can burn and temper
even harsher than blazing fire
Blood and insanity have kept you going
running on paper avenues
running for a place to stop
waiting for history to develop around you

Now you can go on, yeah, go on with your silly shitty life
There was nothing you could do about it,
that’s what you’ve been told
But you’re still edging pointed bones
It’s easier when thorns lacerate the soles of your shoes

Sounds like the ripping soul
of me and you and all the misfit kids out there
whose heart and mind can see
whatever they want to
and not what the eye tells

Big slimy sharks
swim under the surface
of rotten misty waters
so polished on the outside,
a sea painted the color of blunt steel
I’m terrified to dive in
and see the reign of light
is something only exists onstage.

My life I led in solitude
craving for the abduction of a dream
Love is grimy and sucks
Yes I guess I am a loner of some sort
but these words I’m throwing up on here
just settle down to acknowledge
that in the end, it all boils down to
the last somewhere you’ve been
before you close your eyes
and sorry if this sounds nothing like me
but the God they claim has certainly no plan for me
except for the chaos and deception
of your face getting lost in the crowd.

You asked what I had been doing all this time
I told you I had come to look for you
But I’m already gone now
and becoming you is the only way to escape.

Stockholm, Sweden, February 5th 2014

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
