Pallid maiden in the graveyard

di BaronessSamedi

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I have tried from time to time to say I give in
I am not as strong as you believe me to be
But cold wind, cigarettes and a sore throat
Lull away the oblation of a cauterized existence 
The thrill of oblivion I remember quite well
So I ain’t scared of you, soul-deprived blind lady
I know you all too well, do you remember me?
I am the sugary leaf reaped off a lavender field
You stretched your bloodless fingers on a body that was mine
And to your icy gaze I stared into a mirror
So meet me at night in an abandoned cemetery
And tell me at last how this reckless romance ends
Who knows, maybe now I drew a war from this loss
You can finally be mine, pallid maiden in the graveyard
Keep being haunting, as long as I keep writing love songs for you.

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
