The most dangerous place

di BaronessSamedi

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A blind street violinist in Milan
spends his life wondering
what’s the sound of a dream
smashed against a wall.
A defaced firefighter
once used to jump from a height
to save lives, all but his own,
he’s all those who didn’t want to save me.
Charlie spins an endless fall,
her body falls, brittle ailment
trapped in gloom and in a virginal vest,
the race of time
is a whisper
in the pit of her martyrdom.
A white-eyed lady in a black dress
gazes from a sightless window
upon a world she cannot consume.
Cynicism had always been there
and a formlessness of love was a placebo,
a lethal lethean jellyfish,
a merry crippled child,
a red rose in formaldehyde.
Might their silence be the victim
of the nexus we created
between your oceans of flowers
and my wonderland of nightmares …
Love is the most dangerous place on earth.

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
