
di BaronessSamedi

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As soon as reality starts sinking in
I realize I still have some bullets to shoot
Some keep coming back
And some let this wild hunt go on and on
Maybe I’ll keep searching or rather let go
But the whole mankind just couldn’t wash them away
So much for this elegy, this is real life
So thank you for everything:
To who changed my mind
To who made me cry
To who never let me rest my soul
For spending my money
And have me running in circles
For the nosebleed and kicks in the teeth
For flying airplanes
When the earth was crumbling down
For the one that was worth it
And will never know
Thanks for watching my monologue
Last call to love
Lingering in the air
Thanks everybody,
I had a good time.
Nantes, France, June 23rd 2014

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
