
di Luxa05

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Consiglio: ascoltate la canzone mentre leggete

- Ehi Katniss! - urla Peeta da sotto il balcone della sua ragazza.
Katniss si affaccia al balcone, sta per chiedere a Peeta cosa vuole, ma rimane senza parole davanti alla scena che le si presenta sotto.
C’è infatti Peeta con un microfono e degli altoparlanti.
- Peeta… cos’è tutto questo? - chiede stupita la ragazza.
- Beh, ecco Katniss, tu sei la mia ragazza, e oggi sono qui per farti sentire davvero amata. Quindi oggi ti farò un Peetaoke! -
- Un… che? - chiede Katniss confusa.
- Un Peetaoke: il karaoke di Peeta! - E poi inizia a cantare.

When I'm old and grown
 I won't sleep alone, woah
 Every single moment will be fading into you
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
And I won't sing the blues
 'Cause all I need is you, woah
 Every single question will be answered all by you
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
When the world's on fire we won't even move
 There is no reason if I'm here with you
 And when it's said and done I'll give me to you
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
When we're old and gray
 And our faces changed
 There won't be a moment when my heart don't feel the same
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
And every story ends
 But we could still pretend
 Every single moment will be just as we had planned
 It was some type of love
 That's some type of love
When the world's on fire we won't even move
 There is no reason if I'm here with you
 And when it's said and done I'll give me to you
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
If I'm here with you
 I'll give me to you baby
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
When the world's on fire we won't even move
 There is no reason if I'm here with you
 And when it's said and done I'll give me to you
 That's some type of love
 That's some type of love
Angolo dell’autore: in realtà io non ho mai shippato nessuno, neanche Everlark. Ma non so perché oggi ascoltavo questa canzone, e mi sono detta “E se un giorno Peeta si mettesse a cantare questa canzone a Katniss?” ed ecco qua!!
Per info la canzone si chiama “Some Type Of Love” di Charlie Puth (ovvero mio marito), infatti è stato lui a fornire il microfono e gli altoparlanti a Peeta xD

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
