
di Luxa05

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CONSIGLI: Quando leggete la canzone leggetela con la musica sotto e immaginatevi Peeta che la canta a Katniss xD
- Ti è piaciuto il Peetaoke di ieri? - chiede Peeta.
- Oh, certo Peeta! Certo che solo tu puoi fare queste cose, lasciatelo dire! Ed è proprio per questo che ti amo! - risponde Katniss, baciandolo.
- Però - continua Katniss - devo ammettere che ieri mi sei piaciuto davvero. Mi mancherà il tuo Peetaoke… -
-  Oh, Katniss, ma quella non era assolutamente l’ultima volta! Anzi, era solo l’inizio! - dice Peeta con un sorrisetto malizioso in faccia, prendendo una chitarra, un microfono e degli altoparlanti. C’è anche Charlie Puth dietro che suona il piano.
- Peeta, ma cos… -
E poi inizia a cantare.
I've been trying, there's no denying,
that girl you've got my heart falling so fast.
My minds racing, you've got me wasting,
My days were endless till I see you pass.
And I'm like,
Baby did I catch your eye?
Can I see you tonight
When the lights go out,
You know it's going down.
The music playing is all we need.
When we're all alone,
You don't wanna take it slow.
Forget it all and come home with me.
Take my hand girl, we'll cross this land till,
We can find a place that we can all our own.
Trust in me and I'll set you free,
babe I'm never ever leave you feeling cold.
You got me like,
Tell me I'm the only one
And I'll see you tonight
When the lights go out,
You know it's going down.
The music playing is all we need.
When we're all alone,
You don't wanna take it slow.
Forget it all and come home with me.
Come home with me.
Come home with me.
Come home with me,
with me, with me
When the lights go out,
You know it's going down.
The music playing is all we need.
When we're all alone,
You don't wanna take it slow.
Forget it all and come home with, home with me.
When the lights go out,
You know it's going down.
The music playing is all we need.
When we're all alone,
You don't wanna take it slow.
Forget it all and come home with me.
Info: “Lights Go Out” di Charlie Puth.

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
