The Sky also cries

di RBlaine

Disclaimer: questo testo è proprietà del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dà diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.

The Sky also cries

The Sky also cries.

 Look, his tears are tapping us.

His breath is broken,

he is wheezing.

Fuck, we are really in a bad situation,

even if he has stopped

pretending that all is well,

that soon everything will be better.



Look around

we will die!

We will suffocate!

Between gas, bombs and stupidity

we are dying


Perhaps I understand his dark plane,

 He want us to sweep away,

we aren’t longer the best.

He has all focused on us,

and for a while it went well,

for a while he has closed his eyes,

but now it’s too.

He’ ll sweep us and our world,

Who cares of love

and who dream of peace,

if one is wrong  

all are wrong .


Look around,

we will die!

We will drown!

 Between gas, bombs and stupidity

we are dying, and the heredity will be just debris.


Look in my eyes,

reassure me,

swear me

that it’s just a joke,

an absurd joust tour.

It’s useless flee,

It’s useless despair,

and then we laugh, and we dance,

while the mind wanders

on the horrors that turn around us.

We put the mask,

spend up to the last money

and we drink,

so our ruin is already written.


Look around,

we will die!

We self-destroy,

with our hands

that move alone,

the last missile will be ran by a child

O oh oh..

Look around...

Look around...

The Mendekouze
Questa canzone la scrissi un po' di tempo fa (un annetto, due...), e adesso mi è venuta voglia di pubblicarla. Forse non sono così catastrofica,anzi, di solito le mie elucubrzioni mentali sono disfattiste ma serene. Stavolta, boh, non so ce è successo. Sia chiaro, per me, il mondo fa schifo ù.ù Poi, la mia vita no, ma ciò è un altro discorso xD
Non importa se non commentate. Vi capirò.  Non so nemmeno se è giusto l'inglese.

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
