di Shari_Music

Disclaimer: questo testo è proprietà del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dà diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.

Spero vi piaccia ^^ E ricordate... i commenti rendono sempre felici... sia quelli positivi (come ovvio xD) che le critiche costruttive ^^
Avvertimento: Non centra nulla con la canzone di Lady Gaga xD
PS: C'è una parolaccia coperta perchè non vorrei che qualcuno ne rimanesse offeso (se così possiamo dire)


When we met that day I thought it was the best thing that could happen in my life
But now I know that you are the worse thing that could happen to me...

At the beginning we were only laughs and smiles
And I thought that you were so sweet
But later something happen and you know, that's something wrong between you and me...
And I know that is you...

[Rit.] Why have you done all this?
And how could you hurt a in love girl's heart?
What did you want to prove?
I want to push you away from my life
You know, this is my bad romance... And
Why did you want to play with me?
And how could you use me like I were a toy?
What did you want to obtain?
All I want now is you to disappear
You know, this is our bad romance

At the beginning we were so in love
And I thought that it would never end
But later I realised that it was only a joke for you
And that it was only a funny game
And I know it's true...


And I cried 1000 nights, I prayed for your return, I wished it was just my imagination
But later I could no longer hide, you were no longer mine
And now that I start to live my life again you come here and ask for forgiveness
And I can just say...

At the beginning we were only love and kisses
And my world was always painted in pink
But later it was not the same...
You were changed... I relised that your love was no longer for me
You were changed and I realised that that girl is better for you...
I'm not a toy and I won't be your b***h anymore!

And now you come back here, pray for forgiveness
But I can' t trust you anymore
All I want now is you to disappear
You know this is our bad romance
You know this is our bad romance
You know this is my bad romance
And I don't need you anymore!


Volevo fare un ringraziamento speciale a Laprinc che mi segue sempre nonostante ci impieghi un’eternità a postare qualcosa…
Ti chiedo scusa se hai dovuto aspettare tanto per leggere di nuovo qualcosa di mio ma ho avuto un periodo di “zero ispirazione”, invece posterò un po’ di canzoni in questo periodo perché sono stata “produttiva” xD
Spero sinceramente di leggere uno dei tuoi meravigliosi commenti che mi rendono TANTO felice -^^-
Grazie mille ancora di tutto ;***

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