di Shari_Music

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Questa canzone è una (xD) delle colonne sonore del libro che sta scrivendo il mio gemy (Radio_Hysteria)(Il libro è una storia originale, non è su personaggi che esistono davvero)...
La canzone è per il peronaggio di Ren, l'ho scritta pensando che fosse lui a cantarla...
Come sempre (e come ovvio xD) spero vi piaccia e spero di leggere i vostri commenti ^^


And I’m here in my perfect dream world
My golden wings cover you delicatly
In your sweet voice I can hear all your heart and love
In your sweet eyes I can see my paradise

They’ve stolen your love and I’m here lonely
They’ve stolen the rest of our lives together
And I’ve lost my sense of everything....

[Rit.] But I won’t give up, I will go on ‘cause you’re always in my heart.
Now you’re gone but I know that you’re always by my side.
And I will survive...

I can’t go on, the fire hurts and it holds me so tight in its arms.
I can’t escape from all this pain
What can I do now that you’re not by my side?
But I have to survive. I have to survive for you


Your smile is always in my dreams
Your memory is the only thing that lets me go on
Your smile is what I see every night
And your touch is what I need to survive
And now I can’t see you
Now I can’t breath you
Now I can’t feel your heart beating together with mine
No, I can’t see you
No, I can’t breath you
No, I can’t hold you so tight like I used to

But I have to survive...
I don’t know how, but I have to
Don’t know how, but I have to
Don’t know how, but I have to... without you...

Now you’re gone
And I know that you’re always by my side (x 3)
So I will survive...

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
