Recensioni di Cranks

Queste sono le ultime cinque recensioni che l'utente ha lasciato nella sezione nell'ambito del programma recensioni.

Recensione alla storia Always by your side - 25/04/12, ore 11:50
Capitolo 3: 3
Sono rimasta dopo il capitoo in uno stato catatonico XD

Prima, il baccio di Gary ( l´orrore XD), dopo la conversazione tra Jim e Bones, il bar e le sue consecuenze (non era il migliore momento per questo) e allla fine è stato così fluff e ternero. Poveri due, loro hanno ciascuno i suoi temori ma ne sono sicura che porrano risolverli. XD

Aspetto con impazencia il prossimo capitolo: l´immagine de loro despertando insieme sara cosi bella!

Recensione alla storia A Kind Of Miracle - 26/09/11, ore 19:52
Capitolo 38: With the right Step
I don't know what to say. Just 1000 thanks for this beautiful fic that is now my personal canon. With it I laughted, cried, smiled, ..., everything.

I found this fic at a time where I couldn't find anything new about them and, over all this time, you just gave me my favourite story of the three, TOS and all, so again thank you for all.
Recensione alla storia A Kind Of Miracle - 08/09/11, ore 12:53
Capitolo 35: Anderson's Creatures
I don't know how I feel about this outcome. For one part I'm gad that maybe, there's a solution for Sam's problem but I don't think this Doctor Anderson will make thinghs easy.

Their feelings towards Sammy's condition, of frustation and sadness were very real. I can emphasize with them easily.

Let's hope there's light at the end of the tunnel :)
Recensione alla storia A Kind Of Miracle - 13/07/11, ore 20:15
Capitolo 33: Captain Sulu
Aaaaaaaah! What's happening with Sammy?
He'll be alright, vero?

You have closed the circle with Sulu and Chekov, it was the pairing that i lacked in the previous chapters! Have you made it this way because of the fifth movie, no? Now they all are paired up! It's so great!

I can understand Bones' reaction but Sammy will have to, at some point, left the house, but it's normal that for a parent's POV is so hard to accept this, especially if he's Bones XD.

Sorry for commenting so late!
Recensione alla storia A Kind Of Miracle - 09/06/11, ore 14:04
Capitolo 32: Family
Two chapters! And they are great!

Love this "slices of life" between the movies. They answer the questions and tight knots that aren't in the movies per se.

It made me sad that Sam couldn't go before to the camping, he could have met Sybok p{

But the hotness between the three of them in the first part and the comedy in the second, made me happy for it!

And, yeah, Sam and Bones have reasons to doubt anythig will ever be simple, secure and accord to the planning after atching their story XD.