Recensioni per
di arethafranklin

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Nuovo recensore
08/09/15, ore 20:51
Cap. 6:

Noooooo, ma questa storia è veramente fantastica. Stavo più o meno cercando di non sputare la minestra (manco fossi Porthos, tanto per stare in tema) mentre tentavo di non farmi prendere per pazza da mio fratello per come stavo provando a non scoppiare a ridere. Complimenti, sia per la fantasia della trama (il tango è stato veramente un colpo di genio) sia per come è scritta. Davvero, credo che io non sarei mai riuscita a scrivere qualcosa del genere.
Grazie mille per aver scritto questa fanfiction che mi ha rallegrato la serata,

Recensore Veterano
06/06/12, ore 11:56
Cap. 6:

pothos è stato un vero cupido ..testardi fino alla fine quei due ...brava brava brava

Recensore Master
05/06/12, ore 22:36
Cap. 6:

Alla fine, la missione del cupido è andata in porto! Ha avuto qualche scivolone, però.. ci è riuscito! Una storia davvero divertente, che mi è piaciuta nella sua leggerezza; complimenti anche per le canzoni.

Recensore Veterano
05/06/12, ore 19:37
Cap. 6:

Ma che bel finale coi fiocchi! Certo, devo dire che rispetto ai personaggi sei andata un bel po' OOC senza neanche approfondire i loro sentimenti... Diciamo che stilisticamente avrei da ridire sull'approfondimento e l'evoluzione del loro rapporto, ma visto che le cose sono andate così bene sono contenta^^ Ma che voleva dire D'Artagnan? 'Io e Constance...' Non dirmi che hanno già consumato! Beh, sono contenta ma anche questo è OOC XDDD
Ti suggerisco una cosa, rivediti tutta la fic e inserisci qualcosa in più sui sentimenti dei personaggi così che il lettore non si trovi spiazzato dall'evoluzione così repentina delle cose... allora la storia sarà perfetta e tutto avrà senso!!

Recensore Junior
05/06/12, ore 16:27
Cap. 6:

e finalmente direi!!!!un coro di arcangeli si levò festoso!finalmente i due zucconi avevano capito ciò che era chiaro pure ai sassi!!!!!
fa quasi tenerezza vedere athos,l'uomo così tutto d'un pezzo,bruciare di gelosia....
e bravo il nostr porthos.....finita la carriera di moschettiere,avrà il lavoro garantito!!!!ahahahaha!
mi è piaciuta come conclusione.....o c'è ancora un bel matrimonio da organizzare per il nostro cupido?

Recensore Veterano
05/06/12, ore 13:23
Cap. 6:

Tutto è bene quel che finisce bene!
E come poteva essere diversamente con il nostro Porthos al lavoro?

Certo però che spiarli spudoratamente (impedendo in contemporanea al povero D'Artagnan di fare lo stesso LOL) e poi piombare così in camera da letto, è stato veramente indelicato...però che ridere! :D

Mi è piaciuto la parte in cui Porthos vuole organizzare un banchetto degno di lui...LOL che ridere!

Bravona, questa storia-piuma è stata molto bella e divertente!

Recensore Junior
05/06/12, ore 10:38
Cap. 6:

Proprio domenica, ovvero l'altro ieri, ad un bellissimo matrimonio i suonatori hanno attaccaato con questo tango. e io, che ho un pallino nella testa e penso sempre a quello, mi sono subito immaginata i nostri bei piccioncini impegnati a volteggiare su queste note!!! Incredibile coincidenza!!!
Bello il tango, come mi piacerebbe saperlo ballare con un cavaliere come il nostro bel morettone dagli occhi cerulei!!
Brava, ottimo finale!!

Complimenti anche per Porthos!! Troppo forte mentre fa il guardone, ma impedisce di fare altrettanto a D'Artagnan!

Recensore Veterano
05/06/12, ore 09:31
Cap. 6:

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, Great chapter, as Athos and Aramis finished their dance demonstration, Porthos took the opportunity to continue his plan, he said he wanted to see them in a dance of truth, there was a party town on the outskirts of Paris, for nobody recognized Aramis, Porthos said he wanted to go dressed as a woman, Aramis did not seem a good idea, also said that he had to wear, the giant told him he could wear the dress she had tried the other day, she Athos spoke wanted but said it was to teach Porthos to dance, she agreed, in the barn dance, when the four friends arrived, Aramis dressed as a woman was harassed by men who were eager to go around, Athos in turn was in search of the ladies of the place, approached Dartagnan Porthos, disappointed that his friends had separately, saying the giant reassured that everything was as planned, said Athos was with the ladies but they were not ignoring that he did not take his eyes of Aramis, who was surrounded by men, Porthos said he was jealous, that would do something soon, Athos then walked away from the ladies, went to the musicians said something, then went to his table took all your glass of a stroke and went to Aramis, The apparatus of men and gently took her to the center of the track, so that the hug was clear his power over others, Aramis was not angry, I accept his power They danced very close, as Athos Porthos could see he wanted to kiss Aramis, when completed, Athos and Aramis volume led to the safety of the other two friends, he could see men wanted to get close to Aramis, Porthos and Dartagnan is alarmed, had to leave the place, wanted to prevent a fight, Aramis Athos took the mounted his horse and galloped away with it, Porthos and Dartagan with them, when the giant was Aramis looked like sitting in front of Athos, was lying on his chest, holding her tightly Athos, to get around Paris, Athos said goodbye to the other two, saying he had to take your little princess home, thanked them for their help and left, Porthos and were happy Dartagnan They wanted to know what had happened that among them, but the work did not allow the day to meet up at night, Athos, Porthos was very straightforward to ask the musketeer, what they had done that night, said Athos I leave the house slept, Porthos burst into cry, saying it was a fool, and did not sleep with her, Aramis and Athos looked at him in amazement, tried to calm him, but he kept shouting that they were not blind to declare love each other, the giant took the young Gascon left the house, outside the Gascon treatment to calm his friend, but hinted that he was part of his plan, they were listening at the door in after a moment, Aramis recovery and said he was embarrassed at home, Athos told to wait, approached her, Aramis looked down, the Moor asked if she was afraid, she said no, then asked him to look in the eyes , he took his chin and gently made her look into when they looked, slowly their lips met tenderly, out the other Musketeers watched the scene, the kiss became passionate, gradually increased until they began to love with passion, Porthos then let the young look more, according to which by their Constance could not see another woman, the Gascon said he was not also found out that if Athos Aramis saw through it with his naked sword, They were, in the morning Portho got to the room, saw them, they still love each other, but at one point came in and cry, Athos and Aramis wanted to kill him, Aramis was covered as much as I could Athos interference claim, Porthos said he wanted to know was going to happen now, Athos said exchange annoying lock and then marry Aramis, look at her and asked if he wanted to marry him, hug him and kiss Aramis, Athos, Porthos ask to leave, giant wonder if that was a yes, no abuse of his fate and left the place happy for his achievement, just beautiful, finally Athos is jealous to see how other people are around her Aramis, he is as always the ladies. but this time does not work, he wants to make clear that it is his property, had to get his lady there, or are removed, Athos a gentleman thinks about the welfare of his lady, Aramis comfortably, dreaming in his arms, but yet they refuse to admit their love, but Porthos gets angry and releases them directly soup, but I had to spy on them, if they find a dead man, finally it all ends with a wedding, I'm glad the election of the tango for this story, congratulations this story, I hope now to resume his other story, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.