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di Meramadia94

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Recensore Veterano
13/08/12, ore 08:49

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^, A chapter quickly, I feel that forced the chapter, the scenes of the battle was no more, just a fight described, Manson was going to shoot Athos, Aramis was filed but struggling with the gun, when this was shot all ran to see Aramis, thinking that the format, but it was upside down, Athos thank you and says he owes his life, but the big plan as were the villains, the danger that threatened their friendship, because of their vengeance, they are forgotten, seemed to be struggling with simple thieves, after the great sense of logic Athos acted on the suspect's mother Dartagnan, by events, but everything under it and went home happy, Milady bad thing is that they escaped, this is good because it is open to another story, but I feel that I miss this fight, or perhaps expecting too much, but if I like the detail put a breast and a brother Dartagnan Aramis, I hope the next story is one Athos / Aramis, Thanks for sharing ^ ______ ^.

Recensore Master
12/08/12, ore 00:28

Un ottimo inizio, brava; D'Artagnan ha fatto la scelta giusta, lasciare la sua vita per qualcosa di fumoso sarebbe stato un errore di cui pentirsi; poi, se ci si ama non ci si separa del tutto mai; ma immagino che Milady si farà viva presto.

Recensore Master
05/08/12, ore 20:38

Bel capitolo come semre, dove si inizia ad entrare nel vivo dell'azione!
Trovo descritti benissimo d'Artagnan con la sua riposta sempre pronta e il suo non abbattersi mai, Constance e il suo coraggio, tirato fuori in diverse occasioni anche nell'anime e Aramis e i suoi sentimenti contrastanti derivanti dal suo passato difficile da dimenticare!
La madre di d'Artagnan... mhmh, sai che inizia ad essermi un pò sospetta? Compare all'improvviso, i cattivi sanno dove si trova d'Artagnan per rapirlo e lei era insieme a lui, riesce a fuggire a Manson e Milady non si riesce bene a capire come e quando torna a salvare il figlio coi moschettieri... pareva che i nemici li stessero aspettando e che sapessero che stavano arrivando!
Vedremo se ci ho visto giusto o meno nei prossimi capitoli, vero? ;)
Brava, stai lavorando davvero bene e producendo una storia molto avvincente!

Recensore Veterano
03/08/12, ore 02:10

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A chapter against the clock, the Musketeer are galloping as fast as possible, everyone expects to be on time, to Aramis but she has mixed feelings on the one hand wants to reach the other does not, she knows it's a trap to discover his secret to her friends, she is afraid of the outcome of that mission, knowing that Constance is a lady and not used to riding the Musketeers are on the lookout for it, how they will react when they hear that Aramis and so is never complain, in the way they met the Dartagnan breast, she managed to escape and shows the way, Milady and Manson have tortured the Gascon, they want to betray his friends, but he says his bond is indestructible, but those two villains are certainly not, the Musketeers hear the screams of his friend, without thinking more run to save him, they go into battle ready for anything, the villains know they will break their attachment to discover Aramis, Milady known to be very strong that does not bend, which is not weak, but he knows that somehow she is the heart of the group, which unites the soul, while Aramis to feel guilty for cheating will want to give all that they are not injured, what the outcome of that battle, I hope to see the end of this story, for now I leave for a while, hope to return soon, thanks for sharing, good luck ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Master
02/08/12, ore 19:01

E' giustissimo, si tratta di salvare una vita, che è pure quella di un caro amico, e non bisogna avere paura; Fraçoise è stata coraggiosa scappando, però chi mi impensierisce di più è Aramis, piena di una foga che non le si è mai vista.

Recensore Junior
02/08/12, ore 18:52

brava! non vedo l'ora di vedere come si svolgerà la battaglia e soprattutto cosa riserverà il temibile Manson ad Aramis.. lo so sono di parte ma, mi interessa anche sapere di D'Artagnan riuscirà a liberarsi per dare man forte ai suoi amici?
un ultima cosa... ho capito che è stato il guascone a liberare la madre ma, dall'inizio, la sua comparsa improvvisa, il fatto che i nemici li attendessero proprio sulla loro strada... non so. sarò malfidente ma, quella signora non mi convince tanto

Recensore Master
25/07/12, ore 12:12

Che bello questo capitolo! L'amicizia fra i moschettieri, la loro unione, il loro rapporto indissolubile si percepiva, parola per parola... Così come l'affetto che il capitano De Treville sente per i suoi uomini, un affetto quasi paterno!
D'artagnan è in ottime mani, con loro come salvatori!
Bella l'idea di mettere anche Constance nella spedizione di salvataggio, io sono tifosissima di lei e d'Artagnan come coppia!!!
Alla prossima, sono impaziente di sapere come continuerai!!! :D

Recensore Master
24/07/12, ore 15:55

Mi piace l'immagine di Athos che vede nel giovane amico il sé stesso di tanto tempo prima, forse salvandolo vuole recuperare un po' di ciò che ha perduto della propria vita; Aramis è coraggiosa e saggia a parlare come ha fatto, e la prova di amicizia e coraggio che hanno mostrato tutti insieme ha scosso anche Treville: adesso sono invincibili!

Recensore Veterano
24/07/12, ore 08:10

Hello! again! ^ _____ ^, Milady and Manson, have sent the medallion Dartagnan gave as a souvenir, along with a note, they are asking for the presence of the three musketeers, but when they discover that their enemies were alive, Aramis reflects, she tells them to friends who want to avenge her defeat their plans, Athos and Porthos understand, but not going to let go alone, Aramis accepted but asked to be left to Manson, Athos is that is angry, do not understand the reason asks him why he hates, Aramis does not lie, she tells a partial truth, that Manson killed the person he loved, they understand, the three friends are going to inform the master of what happened, the captain does not give permission because they have to take care of the king, that is their duty, Aramis angry decides to give the Musketeers, reminds the captain's why it's a musketeer, but will devote only a noble look, and let your friend alone, does not, says Dartagnan is in trouble because of him, she leaves the office, to the astonishment of the captain and his two friends, Athos and Porthos also decided to resign, the three are surprised when the captain accepts his decision , the only being tested, they have to return except with the Gascon, when they were ready to go, Constance was waiting she dressed as a man, said he would save his beloved, Aramis was proud of it, everything is a trap, Manson just want to Aramis for revenge, but control by the other two to unmask Aramis before them, the man is able to ask her to undress in front of everyone, or kill Dartaganan, for this I think is his ace Constance sleeve, and is blonde and long hair, can masquerade as Aramis, Athos is still good dark musketeer, who hates Milady is your opportunity to get rid of it, he will learn something new about Aramis?, as take, when I know?, so the captain put to the test?, to see where their friendship, but it will be the same when they know it's a woman?, Aramis risk his life for three of them, I expect the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Junior
23/07/12, ore 23:38

wow! la storia si fa davvero avvincente!
il tocco di classe sta nell'aver inserito Contance in questa nuova avventura.
amo le storie che non si scostano eccessivamente dal cartone animato e la tua sembra che calzi a pennello in questa cosa..
continua così!

Recensore Junior
19/07/12, ore 16:12
Cap. 5:

ciao recensisco gli ultimi capitoli tutti in una volta.
è tanto carina questa storia di D'Aratgnan che ritrova sua madre e, soprattutto in questo capitolo adoro il fatto che recuperi pezzi dal passato.. in particolare Ronzinante! lo dimentichiamo sempre ma nel cartone è lui/lei ( non l' ho mai capito) che ci fa sbellicare dalle risa ogni qual volta il guascone è alle prese con le sue indagini!
però vedo un cambio di rotta!
per i primi 4 capitoli supponevo fosse una storia su D'Artagnan invece ora si sta trasformando in una storia sulla bionda e dai presupposti sembra che la madre del guascone abbia solo il ruolo di pedina ( o di complice... scusa ma, da come l'hai scritta, questa comparsa improvvisa, prima della madre di D'Aratgnan e poi, guarda la coincidenza, dei due nemici sulla loro strada, puzza tanto di imbroglio!)

si preannuncia una storia molto interessante!
complimenti continua così

Recensore Master
19/07/12, ore 10:37
Cap. 5:

La madre di D'Artagnan ha dimostrato di amare davvero suo figlio, perché ha peferito la sua felicità invece del proprio egoismo, un buon genitore agisce sempre così; però era tutto troppo facile, immaginavo un colpo di scena, ma quei due sono peggio della carta moschicida!

Recensore Master
19/07/12, ore 10:14
Cap. 5:

Wow, colpo di scena!!! Manson e Milady non me li aspettavo!
E così, ora che per d'Artagnan le cose si facevano facili, poteva tornare a Parigi alla sua vita e mantenere comunque un rapporto con la madre ritrovata, le cose si complicano incredibilmente per lui. I suoi nemici son senza scrupoli, lo sa bene di essere nei guai!
E Aramis viene tirata in ballo, chissà cosa la aspetta! Bella l'idea del suo fratellino morto comunque, spiega l'affetto che nell'anime nutriva per d'Artagnan, il suo vederlo come un fratellino da proteggere...
Bene, rimango curiosissima di vedere come andrai avanti a questo punto!

Recensore Veterano
19/07/12, ore 07:48
Cap. 5:

Hello! here we are again ^ _____ ^ thanks for updating so fast, Dartagnan said goodbye to his friends, they had to be strong, to express their support, Athos told him that if he did not hesitate to return, they would receive him with joy, Aramis was three more who felt his loss, for it he was like a younger brother, she never hesitate to take risks for him, I liked the detail of the brother of Renee, unfortunately means she has a broken heart again, Constance also stand the tears, said goodbye to him, the Gascon try to be strong, I promised that I would write, to stay in touch when they are on their way to London, the mama Gascon realized her sadness, she said to forgive him for causing the pain, but he realized that his home was in Paris that his family were his friends, his girlfriend, to come back, but on condition that it always took a leave to visit, he agreed , thanked him, but when I was ready to return, they were ambushed by their former enemies, Manson survive the fall and the flood Milady, they wanted revenge, Milady's mom caught Dartagnan, Gascon said he was not hurt, it was he whom we wanted, but to his surprise it was not him, they wanted revenge on Aramis, Dartagnan are scared, they wanted to hurt Aramis, to thwart their plans, if the boy does what they say killed his mother, that is what will make Daratgnan, he can not return to Paris to ask him to Aramis is delivered, it can risk the well, he knows that if asked she would not hesitate to do so, he knows that his enemies know the truth about it, you would know what I was expecting that Milady was alive but Manson would be much the Musketeers appeared suddenly, just when you thought it would with your friends, happens, will be the opportunity to reveal Athos and Porthos the truth about Aramis, who's going to happen, I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ _____ ^.

Recensore Veterano
18/07/12, ore 19:31
Cap. 4:

Hello! like this? ^ ____ ^, A sad chapter, Dartagnan even doubt your decision, but had not realized the pain he had caused especially Jean and Constance, the child is not hidden his sadness, asked him not to go, but the Gascon said that he also loved his mother, as the child understood the feeling, I accept, Constance I try to be strong, he thought it would be easier for Dartagnan, the boy felt bad to see that she showed no emotion for their game, but ultimately could not hold back tears the Gascon was slowly realizing what was left behind and that was causing pain to those who want, finally he had to go to give the Musketeers, in the barracks gave his rifle, he met friends who were more discreet in their feelings, they had a gift for him, give him his medallion Aramis, d'Artagnan saw him reject it, but she said it was departe all, they sent him to arrange for him, they parted with their motto for the last time if he felt ugly Dartagnan see that Constance was not listening to his departure, but he did not budge, despite seeing what is causing the doubt even but is that going to happen to Athos is with tears, Aramis loses his best friend and confidant, the only one that can be herself, he knew his secret, Dartagnan have to realize their mistake I hope the next chapter, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

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