Recensioni per
Break from this world
di GioGiaMon

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Recensore Veterano
23/02/12, ore 02:14

Hello! like this? ^ _____ ^ Thanks for update, you do suffer Aramis, being a woman or man is always melancholy, this devastated, he feels he has betrayed his friends, the Musketeers, the worst is that a woman was going to betray, he knows it, yet tries to defend her, is now also responsible for the failure of the tailor, but still hesitates when he and Gascon are spying to catch it, Aramis discovers but once again falls under her charms leaving her escape, but causing an error to his partner, Dartagnan house arrest, when they left the captain's office, waiting Athos, d'Artagnan apologized to Aramis, to say that Milady was alive, but understood his position, was shot on Aramis embarrassed and confessed his stairs crime, his friends gave him words of understanding, but the words of Athos, Milady against him confront the conscience of his friend, were made of words, but trying to understand the other point at the end trying to stay friends, but without hurting his sense of duty, Aramis returned home to his surprise was waiting Milady, very seductively, I have really curious about how it will be time when Aramis becomes captain of the Musketeers, what kind of change will do I hope to continue forward with their stories, thanks for sharing ^ ____ ^.

Recensore Master
22/02/12, ore 16:38

Non mi hai affatto delusa, anzi questo capitolo è molto bello e coinvolgente!! Aramis è spezzato in due, da un lato il suo senso di giustizia che vorrebbe consegnare Milady, dall'altro la coscienza e l'amore per lei che vogliono risparmiarla; ciò che ha fatto presente davanti ad Athos è giusto: la cattiveria subita spinge sempre su una strada sbagliata chi non ha altri mezzi per difendersi, questo è infatti accaduto a Milady; mi fa piacere vedere un Athos ragionevole anche se combattuto, di solito è il contrario XD; pure Aramis ha dimostrato coraggio nell'ammettere davanti ai suoi amici di non avere eseguito l'ordine di uccidere Milady. Spero solo che lei non stia approfittando di lui.