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Autore: Shining_Harmony    05/03/2013    0 recensioni
I 18 anni. Le difficoltà. Le scelte. Le gioie. I dolori. I ricordi e le speranze. Le delusioni e gli stupori di ciò che viene definita come l'età più bella.. più molto altro..
Genere: Introspettivo, Romantico, Sentimentale | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Het
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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Hard reality
Illusions are a medicine. Illusions are also instruments that are perfectly able to break hearts. We make illusions to not destroy immediately our dreams, our hopes. But before or after the truth has to come out. And is at that precise moment that we suffer more than everyone and for more than anything else. But why? Because we think that bad things that in reality are possible, in our head are seen as impossible. Those illusions are made by our heart as a cold comfort.
Sometimes illusions are good, great. Illusions are dreams that may be impossible, but if we believe in them we can make them possible, make them truth. But, in this case, why do we call them “illusions”? The term itself means something impossible, a shit, something so impossible that we’re stupid if we believe in it. But why? In this case I think that we call them with this word because we  have a really pessimist seen of our possibilities, of our self. This is connected to the stereotypes that the society show us every day. All bad ones. I think that this pessimist view is characteristic of people that have been abandoned or have lost their dreams. Or forced by something else, maybe for power in some field, forced to lose them. The person without dream, for me, is someone who don’t really live his life as it should be lived. Exploiting every second, every single little opportunity, smile, laugh, cry, scream, believe, love, hate, trust, argue. FEEL. 
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