Fanfic su artisti musicali > One Direction
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Autore: FutureIsNow    24/06/2013    1 recensioni
"What is smile? The smile is the thing that lasts a few minutes and then disappears and I have no need of temporary things."
"Well, I think I can promise."
"To make you smile forever."
Genere: Mistero, Romantico, Sentimentale | Stato: in corso
Tipo di coppia: Het | Personaggi: Un po' tutti
Note: nessuna | Avvertimenti: nessuno
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The darkness and the silence that hovered in the night seemed surreal. It seemed to pass from one dimension to another. The birds were chirping and sometimes you could hear an owl or a fleeting screeching of a bat that passed very close to its own window. The light did not exist except for the artificial one. It was as if the whole world went into "stand-by" and everything was permissible during that time frame. There were those who love the midst of the darkness and those who hates it. In the case of Grace, however, was not hate but it was a well-founded fear. Grace is a young eighteen years old with long brown hair, the body neither too thin nor too big and of an average height. She goes to school and works in the afternoon in the bar of a lady known years ago. She spends her free time with her friends and at school things were quite well. There was only one side of her that no one knew and that she doesn't want to make the others know. When darkness fell down, she preferred to stay at home, at safe. Although it was not quite secure. He took a piece of her hair and carried forward by holding it in his hands and playing with it. It was just after two in the morning but she did not sleep, could not do it and it certainly was not due to lack of sleep. He was afraid and this took away sleep. She was sitting on the floor with his back against the bed intent on fiddling with her hair and looking at his watch from time to time. How could slow pass the time? Maybe too slow for the young girl. Suddenly, she heard some noises coming from downstairs and cut off her breath. Her face turnes toward the door and the beating of her heart began to accelerate. She began to hurry on the bed covering herself with the covers over her head, frightened. Her breathing grew more and more as the sounds grew louder and insistent then out of nowhere they stopped. The silence returned to reign supreme and the girl let out a long breath of relief, taking off his blankets from above facials. She had survived one more time, especially when she heard the door close again from below. She shook her head, biting his lower lip. How much more would have resisted this story? Felt he could not resist anymore and the mere fact was that she could not even escape makes her sad even more. She picked up her phone from under the pillow and tried any game that could distract her even for a short time. Sleepless night, again.

The eyes of the young man looked out the window while he was sitting comfortably on a chair. The moonlight brights part of his room and also his eyes were reflected on the glass of the window. He loved the night, especially during that hour, and during those nights when the moon shone high in the sky and lit up, as far as possible, parts of the city. Suddenly, someone knocked at his door.
"Come on." Whispered the young man.

No one came forward, however, and then decided to get up and open it himself. There was no one. What if it were simply imagined it? He closed the door and pulled the curtains. His bed was still tidy and the sheets smelled clean. Mentally thanked his mother and smiled as he lay down on the bed staring at the ceiling above his covers. Everything was new, it was finally returned to his city and had already revised his old friends who had remained the same and their opinion of him has not changed. They were still good and joked as if Niall has never left. He was happy to be back. That city was like his "kingdom," there he felt important and loved by the people who had seen him grow. The thoughts made him blink more and more slowly until he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, a smile always on his face.

Hello everyone! Here's my Italian FanFiction that I (at least) tried to translate in English. I apologise myself if there are mistakes but as said before I am Italian and this is my own translation. Hope you like it! Enjoy!

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