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Autore: RB Mad   Capitolo: 30
30 Days OTP Challenge
Raccolta Dantana
Day 1: Holding Hands
Day 2: Cuddling somewhere
Day 3: Gaming/watching a movie
Day 4: On a date
Day 5: Kissing
Day 6: Wearing eachothers’ clothes
Day 7: Cosplaying
Day 8: Shopping
Day 9: Hanging out with friends
Day 10: With animal ears
Day 11: Wearing kigurumis
Day 12: Making out
Day 13: Eatig ice-cream
Day 14: Genderswapped
Day 15: In a different clothing style
Day 16: During their morning ritual(s)
Day 17: Spooning
Day 18: Doing something together
Day 19: In formal wear
Day 20: Dancing
Day 21: Cooking/baking
Day 22: In battle, side-by-side
Day 23: Arguing
Day 24: Making up afterwards
Day 25: Gazing into eachothers’ eyes
Day 26: Getting married
Day 27: On one of their birthdays
Day 28: Doing something ridiculous
Day 29: Doing something sweet
Day 30: Doing something hot
Personaggi: Dani, Santana Lopez, Un po' tutti
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Vai a tutte le storie della categoria: Serie TV > Glee
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