Fanfic su artisti musicali > Oasis
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Autore: thewhitelady    27/01/2012    4 recensioni
Questa sarà una raccolta di one-shot che parteciperà a una challenge su Live Journal. Settimanalmente mi sarà dato un prompt, una sola frase e da essa dovrò far uscire una storia di 250 parole, lettera più lettera meno. I protagonisti? I Gallagher, ovvio. I temi potranno essere i più disparati :) Non so neppure io che ne uscirà
La challenge è internazionale per cui questa è una traduzione su me stessa, dato che prima scrivo in inglese e poi traduco in italiano. In ogni caso, Enjoy it!
NB: in alcuni capitoli potrebbero esserci riferimenti più o meno espliciti all'incest
[ 1° classificato al contest “Challenge #7” della community madferourkid su Live Journal ]
Genere: Fluff, Generale, Slice of life | Stato: completa
Tipo di coppia: Slash | Personaggi: Altri, Liam Gallagher, Noel Gallagher
Note: Lime, Raccolta | Avvertimenti: Incest
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NB: In questo capitolo c'è presenza di incest esplicito, e allego anche una foto, dato che la storia del bacio è vera. Quindi se non siete pronti a tutto ciò, non leggete. *se ne va in pace dopo il disclaimer*

Mi chiedevo soltanto se quacuno avrebbe notato

Era fuori di testa come la folla di 40.000 persone che aspettavano che loro suonassero. Ma era ora o mai più. Fece un passo in avanti, poi un altro, era facile, no? Avvolse le braccia attorno alle sue spalle e Liam girò la testa, sorpreso. Pensò che avrebbe dato fuori di matto, ma poi una voce nella sua testa disse: andiamo, dai ai ragazzi qualcosa che non dimeticheranno mai. L'attimo dopo si stavano baciando davanti a tutta quella gente, sbattendosene. L'aveva già fatto, così tatne volte, e Liam sapeva del solito ma questa volta era diverso: un bacio che sapeva di libertà. Ecco cos'era.
Era ancora eccitato per via del concerto, quando il suo occhio colse Liam che marciava verso di lui, sembrava veramente incazzato. - Che cos'era quello? - latrò
- Un bacio? -
- Ma perchè?! Sei sempre “Non qui, non ora. Non sul divano di mamma... Vuoi che ci scoprano, Liam?”. E ora mi baci davanti a 40.000 cazzo di persone! -
- Tu non mi hai fermato -
- E tu non hai risposto alla mia domanda. Perchè? -
- Mi chiedevo soltanto se qualcuno avrebbe notato -
- Cosa?! -
- Che ti amo -
Liam era un po' confuso, - Bene... gli hai dato un buon indizio – e se ne andò via.
Nessun giornalista ne scrisse seriamente. Nessuno notò.
A una parte di lui sarebbe piaciuto che scoprissero la verità, sarebbo stati liberi, dopo tutto.

Versione Originale: 

It was crazy as the crowd of 40.000 people waiting for them to play. But it was now or never. He took a step forward, then another, it was simple, wasn't it? He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and Liam turned his head, surprised. He thought he'd have gone mad at him, but then a voice in his head said: go on, give the kids something they'll never forget. The next moment they're kissing in front of all that people, not giving a fuck. He'd done it before, so many times, and Liam tasted the same as usual but this one was different: a liberty-flavoured kiss. That's it.
He was still high 'cause of the show, when his eye cought Liam marching towards him, he seemed properly pissed off. - What was that? - he barked
- A kiss? -
- But why?! You're always like “Not here, not now. Not on mum's sofa...D'ya want them to discover us, Liam?” And now you kissed me in front of fucking 40.000 people! -
- You didn't stop me -
- You didn't respond to my question. Why? -
- I just wondered if anyone would notice -
- What?! -
- That I love you -
Liam was a bit puzzled, - Well.. you gave 'em a good clue – and he walked away.
No journalist wrote seriously about it. They didn't notice.
A part of him would've liked them to discover the truth, they'd have been free, afterall.

Note: link alla foto -->  Non rimanetemi traumatizzati eh! xD



It was crazy as the crowd of 40.000 people waiting for them to play. But it was now or never. He took a step forward, then another, it was simple, wasn't it? He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and Liam turned his head, surprised. He thought he'd have gone mad at him, but then a voice in his head said: go on, give the kids something they'll never forget. The next moment they're kissing in front of all that people, not giving a fuck. He'd done it before, so many times, and Liam tasted the same as usual but this one was different: a liberty-flavoured kiss. That's it.

He was still high 'cause of the show, when his eye cought Liam marching towards him, he seemed properly pissed off. - What was that? - he barked

- A kiss? -

- But why?! You're always like “Not here, not now. Not on mum's sofa...D'ya want them to discover us, Liam?” And now you kissed me in front of fucking 40.000 people! -

- You didn't stop me -

- You didn't respond to my question. Why? -

- I just wondered if anyone would notice -

- What?! -

- That I love you -

Liam was a bit puzzled, - Well.. you gave 'em a good clue – and he walked away.

No journalist wrote seriously about it. They didn't notice.

A part of him would've liked them to discover the truth, they'd have been free, afterall. 


It was crazy as the crowd of 40.000 people waiting for them to play. But it was now or never. He took a step forward, then another, it was simple, wasn't it? He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and Liam turned his head, surprised. He thought he'd have gone mad at him, but then a voice in his head said: go on, give the kids something they'll never forget. The next moment they're kissing in front of all that people, not giving a fuck. He'd done it before, so many times, and Liam tasted the same as usual but this one was different: a liberty-flavoured kiss. That's it.

He was still high 'cause of the show, when his eye cought Liam marching towards him, he seemed properly pissed off. - What was that? - he barked

- A kiss? -

- But why?! You're always like “Not here, not now. Not on mum's sofa...D'ya want them to discover us, Liam?” And now you kissed me in front of fucking 40.000 people! -

- You didn't stop me -

- You didn't respond to my question. Why? -

- I just wondered if anyone would notice -

- What?! -

- That I love you -

Liam was a bit puzzled, - Well.. you gave 'em a good clue – and he walked away.

No journalist wrote seriously about it. They didn't notice.

A part of him would've liked them to discover the truth, they'd have been free, afterall. 


It was crazy as the crowd of 40.000 people waiting for them to play. But it was now or never. He took a step forward, then another, it was simple, wasn't it? He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and Liam turned his head, surprised. He thought he'd have gone mad at him, but then a voice in his head said: go on, give the kids something they'll never forget. The next moment they're kissing in front of all that people, not giving a fuck. He'd done it before, so many times, and Liam tasted the same as usual but this one was different: a liberty-flavoured kiss. That's it.

He was still high 'cause of the show, when his eye cought Liam marching towards him, he seemed properly pissed off. - What was that? - he barked

- A kiss? -

- But why?! You're always like “Not here, not now. Not on mum's sofa...D'ya want them to discover us, Liam?” And now you kissed me in front of fucking 40.000 people! -

- You didn't stop me -

- You didn't respond to my question. Why? -

- I just wondered if anyone would notice -

- What?! -

- That I love you -

Liam was a bit puzzled, - Well.. you gave 'em a good clue – and he walked away.

No journalist wrote seriously about it. They didn't notice.

A part of him would've liked them to discover the truth, they'd have been free, afterall. 


It was crazy as the crowd of 40.000 people waiting for them to play. But it was now or never. He took a step forward, then another, it was simple, wasn't it? He wrapped his arms around his shoulders and Liam turned his head, surprised. He thought he'd have gone mad at him, but then a voice in his head said: go on, give the kids something they'll never forget. The next moment they're kissing in front of all that people, not giving a fuck. He'd done it before, so many times, and Liam tasted the same as usual but this one was different: a liberty-flavoured kiss. That's it.

He was still high 'cause of the show, when his eye cought Liam marching towards him, he seemed properly pissed off. - What was that? - he barked

- A kiss? -

- But why?! You're always like “Not here, not now. Not on mum's sofa...D'ya want them to discover us, Liam?” And now you kissed me in front of fucking 40.000 people! -

- You didn't stop me -

- You didn't respond to my question. Why? -

- I just wondered if anyone would notice -

- What?! -

- That I love you -

Liam was a bit puzzled, - Well.. you gave 'em a good clue – and he walked away.

No journalist wrote seriously about it. They didn't notice.

A part of him would've liked them to discover the truth, they'd have been free, afterall. 

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