Membro dal: 25/10/12
Recensore Veterano (212 recensioni)



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Be Free as a bird.

Open a book and start to fly away

A book can take you everywhere.

Let it drive yourself.

You won't regret it.


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Quando ascolto la musica

qualsiasi canzone mi sento bene.


Sgombra da qualsiasi pensiero.

Grazie a Niall,Liam,Louis,Zayn,Harry

per avermi aperto un mondo.

Per avermi reso libera.

A massive thank you guys

"Just because it's in your head it doesn't mean it's not real" Always a Potterhead  
  1 - extraordinharry

  2 - fallsofarc

  3 - fromtheskydown

  4 - jawaadhugsme

  5 - mariisullivan

  6 - Pettyfer

  7 - Psiche_delica

  8 - sorridiash

  9 - TheGhostOfYou

  10 - TooLateForU

  11 - wheezayne