Membro dal: 23/06/08
Recensore Junior (119 recensioni)


~ Fanfiction Terminate

It's Worth To Be Born On 25th December [Lavi/Allen] One-shot, IC.
Allen in Noah's Ark [No Pairing] One-shot, IC.
Nine Years Old [Timothy+Lavi/Allen] One-shot, IC.
SEVEN [Lavi/Allen] HarryPotter-AU.
Hic Sunt Dracones [Johnny+Allen+Kanda][veryslight Kanda/Allen] Threeshot, AfterNight209.
What if we were anywhere but here [Roxas/Sora] 15ThemesChallenge, IC/AU.
The Consequences of the Red Light District [Kanda/Allen] One-shot PWP, AfterNight210.
Tempus Interius [80+59+27][veryslight 8059] One-shot, IC.
floccinaucinihilipilification [Lavi+Allen, pre-slash] One-shot, IC.

~ Fanfiction in Corso

The Color Of Blood [Lavi/Allen] AU. Capitolo 2. --> HIATUS PERPETUO
HeLL iS InSidE yOUr hEaD [Roxas/Sora] AU. Capitolo 1.
Like a kaleidoscope [Lavi/Allen] AU. Capitolo 2.
SEVEN - Why, What & How [Lavi/Allen] HarryPotter-AU. Capitolo 5.
Brand New World [No Pairing] Threeshot, AU. Capitolo 1.
  1 - Asu_chan

  2 - DarkRose86

  3 - Edward

  4 - jacky_dragon