Membro dal: 02/01/14
Recensore Junior (150 recensioni)
«Reading well is one of the great pleasures that solitude can afford you» «Reading returns you to otherness» «Imaginative literature is otherness, and as such alleviates loneliness» Harold Bloom, How to Read and Why, 2001
  1 - casstheliar

  2 - Deanna92

  3 - Fradale91

  4 - Harrys_bravery

  5 - nevaeh

  6 - NowKissMe YouFool

  7 - paperdreams

  8 - Shine_

  9 - soulmirrors

  10 - thepurpledoor

  11 - VenerediRimmel

  12 - xyoumakemesing

  13 - zeroborine