Membro dal: 24/03/12
Nuovo recensore (10 recensioni)

Hi, I'm Giords and I believe in a load of bullshit.

"What is gonna make you happy? Is it how you look? Or the car you drive?
Or the people you know? It is money? Or celebrity? Power or acomplishements?
I don't it's enough.
Well then, what is?
Love, I think. Love can be for a girl, for a boy, for a place, for a way of life, or even for a family.
But where you find it is up to you. "


Because One Direction live, my world has twice as many stars in the sky.

Giords | Directioner | Larry Shipper | Ziam Believer
follow me on twittah, i'm @larryskisses.

One Direction (Classifica della sezione) - larryskisses ha ottenuto 7 punti nella sezione