Il migliore dei sogni, il peggiore degli incubi

di Milly_Sunshine

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Clouds are coming,
There ain't place for the sun,
Between the waves
I see a shadow on the run,
Your soul has to be hidden somewhere,
Years may be gone
But I feel you everywhere:
Enchantez-moi, mon soleil d'aujourd'hui,
Je vous donne ma coeur cet après-midi.

Clouds are coming,
I don't see neither the light,
Nor the stars shining in the night,
While time runs fast,
I search for you and a spirit flies,
Upon the harbour I hope to see your eyes,
Sans vous le ciel est noir,
Enchantez-moi, ce soir.

The longest you take to go away,
The hardest will be to live the last day,
La nuit est arrivée,
Quelle heure est-il?

Upon the harbour, do you know how I feel?

Clouds are coming
Over my heart and my mind,
You're bright like a star
Which I won't leave behind:
Enchantez-moi une autre fois,
Vous êtes le soleil du jour qui viendra.

Clouds are coming
But there won't be rain tonight,
Open your wings right now
Tell me your last words
And leave me somehow,
We may not be speaking the same language
But hearing your voice will make me feel fine,
No entiendo, but I read between the lines,
I'm waiting, ya pienso en mañana,
Enchantez-moi en el final de semana.

Darkness excites me
When I search for my memories,
On Monday the sun
Shines with all its energy,
Summer will come
And soon after will go
As my heart has gone a long while ago,
But still, I feel you again and again,
Your smile won't be washed away by the rain:
Enchantez moi, chaque jour de ma vie
Et dans le soleil du passé samedi.

Questa storia è archiviata su: EFP
