Profeti e predestinati

di Milly_Sunshine

Disclaimer: questo testo č proprietā del suo autore e degli aventi diritto. La stampa o il salvataggio del testo dā diritto ad un usufrutto personale a scopo di lettura ed esclude ogni forma di sfruttamento commerciale o altri usi improri.


You look so familiar
While I survive the end,
A name flies away
Written in the sand,
Nothing is endless,
Neither the light of your guardian angel,
But I'm loyal to the brand:
You're like another song
When it's played by the same band.

Sweet thoughts
Are burning like candles,
You're like a plot twist
Which looks hard to handle,
Like the halo of an angel,
It could sound wrong
But I'm seeing you from the right angle
And when I don't resist
I know feelings are tangled:
The past, the future and me,
A reckless love triangle.

Everytime I see a shadow
In the growing light
You're like a lullaby
When all my memories
Are still so sweet and bright,
There's no need to cry
And neither need to fight,
Despite after the flight
It has never come a day
At the end of the night.

Everytime I hear your name
I try to look ahead,
Bittersweet memories
Running inside my head,
I wish I could run away instead,
But even when my heart is broken
I remember all the words I read,
All the memories, all the stories
Are written to celebrate
The good days of the winners
And the good days of the deads.

Bitter thoughts
Are going back and forth,
I know your worth,
I would scream it out loud
And let everyone know my words,
Welcome to my world
Without water in the brooks,
Without blood on the swords.

You look really perfect
While I search for my way,
Let me be myself
Before the end of May,
Don't ever go away
Because when I feel sad
You always make my day
And it doesn't even matter
That I'm still sad anyway.

The past is screaming
But the present sings,
You look so familiar
That my emotions sink
In a dark deep see taking me too far,
A signature made with blood as ink
Reminds me to follow your star
Because you look like your guardian angel,
I'm feeling the presence of his black wings.


Questa storia č archiviata su: EFP
